I happened upon this app in the App Store one day because I love building stuff, and all of the other city building apps out there had storylines and limitations to them. I was excited when I found out that this app was an entirely open map concept (meaning you could build forever and ever). There are other apps out there with concepts like these, but they have a limited (and often small) space that you can build on. There is also an AR mode where you can build where you are with your camera. I haven’t tried that mode, just the normal one. I started building in the normal one, and I connected one road loop via an intersection. Other then that, I haven’t been able to complete anything else (successfully). There are just too many kinks in the game like:
1. When you try to build a river, it goes through the road instead of underneath it.
2. When you try to build a road without a intersection piece, it doesn’t connect properly to other roads
3. When you try to lay grass, cement, asphalt down with the pinpoints, it doesn’t lay it down in the whole surface area.
4. Buildings and other objects are hard to rotate.
Maybe there is a way too do all these things, but I am not getting it.
Also, the instructions on how to do things are vague, and a video tutorial would be really helpful.