Mentor Business by eDriving℠ Cheats

Mentor Business by eDriving℠ Hack 2.95 + Redeem Codes

Developer: eDriving, LLC
Category: Education
Price: Free
Version: 2.95


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Welcome to MentorSM by eDriving, comprehensive digital driver risk management.

Award-winning MentorSM by eDriving identifies and remediates risky driver behavior with their FICO® Safe Driving Score, eLearning, coaching, and gamification, while recognizing safe, eco-friendly driving with rewards. Integrated Automatic Crash Detection and Personal SOS features powered by Sfara and Bosch trigger emergency help when needed most. All of this is delivered from a privacy-first, data-secure platform and supported with unsurpassed professional services.

Key Benefits to drivers and their managers: 
• Easy-to-use, highly secure smartphone/tablet environment 
• Validated and predictive scoring of driver risk with FICO® Safe Driving Score 
• Responsive, interactive, multimedia eLearning using micro-training (less than 5 minutes long), quizzes, and notifications 
• Peace of mind via 24 x 7 emergency response services in 50 countries 
• Highest levels of privacy protection and data security 
• In-app manager coaching toolkit to support high-risk drivers 
• Collaborative learning/messaging/gamification environment for drivers and managers to share best practices informally 

Mentor is NOT:  
• A driver surveillance or tracking tool. Location data is only visible to drivers for training purposes, except in the event of a collision.  
• A mobile phone tracker or blocker. It does not read, record, monitor or block phone calls, text messages or emails. Mentor only detects whether the cell phone is used while driving in order to record distraction events. 

Mentor is designed to help managers support and sustain a focused mission objective across their teams – to return drivers home safely at the end of each day! 

Safe driving.

Version history

This release includes:

• New notifications for Trip feedback and driver engagement
• SSO support for new clients
• Minor bug fixes and app performance improvements
This release includes SSO support for new clients.
This release includes:

• Mentor EcoDrive updates (opt-in feature): EcoDrive Feedback page (accessible from Dashboard ribbon) now includes updated EcoDrive Feedback Tips and minor UI updates
• Eligible users can now sign-up on Mentor using the PIN-based workflow
• Support for new SSO clients
• Minor bug fixes, UI improvements and app performance enhancements
This hotfix release addresses a bug wherein the Country List was not displayed as expected.
This release includes:

• Mentor EcoDrive Updates (opt-in feature): Eligible users can now see Trips with “Good/Fair/Poor” Eco Rating. EcoDrive Feedback page is now updated with new progress bar (accessible from Dashboard ribbon).
• Mentor Rewards Enhancement (opt-in feature): Eligible users can now transfer earned Points to their Employer’s Rewards Portal.
• Additional SSO Codes for new clients.
• Minor UI updates and bug fixes.
This release fixes an issue with missing ERS data.
This release includes:

• New feature “EcoDrive Rating” (Opt-In Feature): This feature, EcoDrive powered by Greater Than, enables precise identification of a driver’s environmental impact in percentage terms and helps organizations more accurately report on their ESG initiatives. When enabled, tap on the ‘Eco’ icon on the Dashboard to view the EcoDrive Feedback page.
• Update to Mentor Rewards (Opt-In Feature): Allows users to redeem Rewards Points as per their preferred (supported) country.
• Support for new SSO clients.
This release includes:

• Support for new SSO clients
• Adjustments to Speeding and Distraction events capture to support client launch in France (Note: This is not applicable to all clients)
• Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
This release includes:

• Bug fix for Rewards feature error message shown to the users when they upgrade to the latest app version.
This release includes:

- Mentor Rewards (Opt-in feature): Eligible users can now earn points for safe driving behaviors and redeem the Points for Gift Cards.
- ERS (Emergency Response Services) Updates: Enrolled users will now see a prompt to save Bosch service phone numbers in their contact list. This will prevent incoming calls from Bosch service center being marked as spam.
- Support for 3 new languages: Czech, Hindi, and Traditional Chinese.
This Hotfix includes the bug fix in Work Hours feature (opt-in) where, in certain race conditions, Trips were not recorded as per the saved schedule for the next day.
This release includes:

• New feature “Work Hours” (Opt-In Feature): Eligible users can now use this feature to save their ‘Work Hours’. All the trips taken between these ‘Set Work Hours’ would be defaulted as ‘Driver’ trips. Any trip(s) taken ‘Outside of Work Hours’ will be tagged as ‘Outside Work Hours’ trips in the ‘Trips’ screen.
• Removed ‘Poke’, ‘Clap’, and ‘Tease’ actions from Circles.
• New Mentor Business logo, localization updates, bug fixes, and app performance improvements.
• This release includes a hotfix for an issue where some data fields were missing in ERS user profiles sent to backend when an SOS event was triggered.
• We also added a text under phone number field in SOS profile reminding users to discard the leading zero of their area code. This is required so that the phone number field is passed to Bosch Call center in the correct format.
This release includes:

• In-App consent to Privacy Notice

• Support for Indonesian Language

• Minor UI updates & performance improvements
This release includes support for new SSO clients.
This Hotfix release fixes the issue wherein the SOS Profile was not getting saved.
This HotFix release fixes the issue wherein the app was crashing for few users (when setting up the SOS Profile).
Release Notes:

This update includes minor bug fixes and performance enhancements to make Mentor better for you.
This release includes updates to the Emergency Response Services (ERS) opt-in feature:

* Updated UX for initiating ERS when in Trip
* Localization updates for ERS Quick Tour
* Minor bug fixes
We are committed to helping drivers return home safely to their loved ones and now with this release we will support drivers in their moment of need with the introduction of Mentor's integrated Emergency Response Services powered by Sfara & Bosch (Beta Version).

This release also includes performance updates and minor bug fixes.
This release includes:

• Mentor Insurance (Opt-in Feature): Eligible users can now save on insurance for being a defensive driver
• Updated Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) under ‘More’ Page
• SSO Support for new clients
• Minor bug fixes and performance improvements
This release includes the following updates:
• New Event ECO Driving (Opt-In): Linked to a driver’s FICO® Safe Driving Score, the ECO icon on the Mentor dashboard ribbon shows drivers just how eco-friendly their driving is and reminds them that smooth, defensive driving IS ECO-driving.
• Trips page UI update - Trip List will now be separated in two tabs: Last 7 Days and Older. All the Trips that are included in your Rolling 7-days FICO® Safe Driving Score will be listed under "Last 7 days" Tab. The older Trips will move to the second Tab.
• First Trip Push Notification: Users will see a notification with a welcome message on their phone after taking their first Trip.
• UI enhancements and bug fixes that improve the app experience
This release introduces:
- ‘Session Expiration’ notification that reminds users of upcoming session expiration advising users to log out and re-login
- Support for phone-based provisioning (optional feature)
- Minor bug fixes and UI enhancements
Hotfix to hide Location Tracking Disclosure in More page
This release includes bug fixes where few users were experiencing app crashes while accessing Circles user details. We also fixed the bug where some users were being prompted to scan their vehicle’s VIN.

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1.3 out of 5
279 Ratings


Mentor: Unreliable & Flawed
It appears this flawed program grades on a curve. My company uses this product. And it appears to grade on a curve. Apparently averaging the 24/7 week. Including when you are not clocked in. When you are on personal time. Which is, IMO, a privacy issue. No one likes being monitored. Especially when errors are made by a software program like Mentor is. The developers claim to use it themselves, but that’s just so they can sell it to companies. If they claim to use it because it improves their driving, their lying. And, drivers need to drive badly in order to have improvement. And that’s what Mentor does. If everyone was always a good driver, we wouldn’t need an unreliable app based on tracking your cell phone for speed, hard turns, hard braking, phone manipulation. That’s right, touch your Maps app while driving and you’re not a good driver! It’s crap!!

Update: Months and many reviews later, this app may be the most detested app in the history of Apple App Store Apps. It’s rating is really zero but reviewers must score it at least a one. Everyone writing about it hates it. And those writing anything positive are surely a shill. The developer responses to reviews are laughable. Hopefully this “Big Brother” company will be visited by the Real Big Brother. Maybe then they might just understand invasion on privacy.
Kinda forced to use it
And it really gets silly. Smooth maneuvers seem to be the way to ‘game’ the app. There is very little feedback for a good drive or a great drive. Taking the boss out to lunch, I was driving. When we arrived, I was rated good. He was rated excellent. Same trip. Same car. No phone manipulations by me. How does the exact same ride result in different scores? Lots of time and energy and money spent by my company. And this is the best that they could come up with? How about folks that follow too close? Or don’t use turn signals? Or don’t look both ways? Or don’t park properly - even though we are told that a very significant portion of company accidents come from us backing into stuff. Seems like a huge investment with little juice. The juice ain’t worth the squeeze. It is also a battery drainer. And due to the way it works, if you are a legit passenger, you can’t pull up the app and discuss anything in it with the driver as a coaching tool while the driver is actively driving because it won’t let you tell the app that you really aren’t driving. Very much an app that is sold as one thing and the results seem to be creating a team aging the app instead of becoming safe drivers.
Hate controlled,
This app is perfect……
If you are a Geriatric going on a Sunday drive that started on a Tuesday. 2 weeks ago. Just like a Geriatric, that would cause wrecks for going either the speed limit or 30miles UNDER it, this is that app, if you are Pavlov’s dog.
Who else uses “modified behavior training” with scores? Hmmm. Let me think here. Oh yeah I remember now. The CCP! But we live in America at least I think it is still America that is slowly goose stepping toward COMMUNISM with “behavior modification” to be slaves.
In a “perfect” world where everybody does what they are told or trained to, this would be useful. But in the Real world where people got places to be this would cause an increase in anxiety with spending more time watching for speed signs and speedometers, egg shell both pedals, gentle turns around 180 degree turns, or not touching the phone. IMPOSSIBLE!!!! The best modification would be to leave the phone at home. Period. But unfortunately everyone has to be connected today through friends, family or work.
After writing this review I’m going on a Sunday drive. It’s Saturday and I’m 2 weeks behind the Tuesday start date. I need to catch up to that day, and quick.
an FSE,
Perfect for commuters… and not really anyone else
This app, and especially the educational videos, provide good driving practices but fail to account for the varied conditions under which employees work. Geared towards those with set schedules and whom can afford to stay off the road during emergencies. Not FSEs. Fails to account for speed of traffic, penalizing drivers for moving at the pace of those around them rather than becoming a road hazard by adhering to the strict enforcement of speed. Penalizes drivers for hands free calls, necessary for this job. Encourages drivers to pull over to accept calls, very dangerous on highways. Fails to consider flexible work schedule determined by customer needs. Fails to consider drivers of large or long vehicles unable to heed the otherwise sensible parking advice. In short, good for commuters. Penalizing everyone else. Disputes on updated traffic conditions including construction, speed changes, cell signal recording driver on the local road instead of adjacent highway, all a problem as disputes are never overturned or reasonably considered. Disputes always result in no change and a canned response.

1 star.
column shift,
Better safe than sorry
It does help you in the long run. After using the app for about a year your driving habits start to become normal. Things not good are the app making notes to you while you are driving. This makes you constantly look at the phone while driving making it contradicting to its purpose. Phone manipulation needs much tweaking. You get a lot of those when not even touching the phone while driving or while using the phone when you are a passenger. The support also are not very kind nor helpful when trying to reach out. There are more negative versus positive and hopefully the app improves by hearing our input.

One year later no improvements by this company to help us understand the reasons for minus ratings. The explanations given are vague and don’t have any substance. Looking down at the speedometer constantly causes more near misses compared to going with the flow for a safer ride.
Don’t even notice it
App is great, in my opinion all the bad reviews are from people who are salty that they are poor drivers.

The basic functions work really well and the speed tracking and braking/acceleration monitoring is super accurate. You will have to dispute a few speed limits on regular routes, but once that’s cleared up you will be an 800 driver on here no problem.

This app runs in the background and I honestly don’t even notice it. The great part is that it’s honest feedback so it gives me strategies to make small adjustments that are necessary for safe driving.

Couple things that could be improved:
- trip start/stop timing. Sometimes I’ll pull over at a gas station quickly to follow up and will get dinged for phone manipulations. This is especially frustrating is the rest of the drive was great.
- short 10 minute drives never qualify as great and lower my score if I made no “smooth maneuvers” isn’t no maneuver the safest for of driving?
- mapping routs to inform the driver of busiest or heavy traffic times to avoid would also help increase driver safety.
- coaching videos could use some audio. So it feels like coaching or “mentoring” as opposed to reading slides.
Dangerous APP
This app will cause more accidents than it prevents if you are a good driver. You will spend more time driving to appease the app than paying attention to other drivers and moving with traffic. I was recently given negative scoring because I was speeding for 2 minutes of a 4 hour trip because I did not see the speed limit had changed, and my attention was focused on the heavy NYC traffic. Also I was given negative scoring for hard acceleration in a car that can barely get out of its own way because I had to merge quickly on a short on-ramp in heavy traffic. The developers of this app have obviously never driven in NYC metro area. Driving to this app has almost gotten me in more accidents because I am driving so much slower than the rest of traffic, than all my 35 years of driving. This app is dangerous to good drivers who learned to drive in harmony with traffic flow and road conditions.
Dangerous app
This app causes more undue stress than is worth. My driveway has a blind corner before it and so I pull out full throttle and it often gets me on “hard acceleration” when the vehicle I drive is not capable of a “hard acceleration” and it is always getting me on “hard cornering” when it handles horribly and can’t take a corner very well at all. Also it constantly gets me on phone manipulation when my phone stays on my belt, I’m guessing it’s because I don’t pull my phone out the second I stop and hit end trip. The only thing that it halfway gets right is speeding but I always go with the flow of traffic. If you have have people blasting by you while your going 30mph slower then everyone else on the highway your putting yourself at way more risk then just keeping up. Good intentions behind what they’re trying to do don’t get me wrong, just not practical in most real world scenarios.
oy veah,
I can not recommend this app to anyone. I agree with the previous reviewer that it is extremely dangerous. It rates your driving without regard to road, weather conditions etc…. Because it can’t actually see what you are doing it marks you down for using escape routes or other hard braking or accelerating in situations where other drivers are creating a dangerous situation for you (ie… cuts you off, runs a red light etc…) I have been driving for 20 plus years with an average of 30k plus miles a year. In that time I have had 0 moving violations and 0 accidents. Worrying about trying to drive to the app has created more close calls and dangerous situations over the last 3 week than my 20 plus years combined. Has anyone noticed when these yahoos respond to feedback they don’t actually address the concerns raise. That should tell you all you need to know!!!
Additional stress
This program has great intentions, but in reality it creates more stress and problematic situations for users than non users. My team at work is using this right now. Surely it’s an insurance game to record everything the drivers are doing with their phones….. but what if I’m not driving and I’m a passenger….. I have to go on to the app and audit every trip and tell the app wether I’m driving or that it was someone else…. Super annoying. So I just leave the app on and let it record everything I do and I don’t even care what the score is. Interesting, I have more trips and more mile than any of my peer group… and a the lowest score….. the highest scoring member of the team has the fewest number of trips… so I guess there working using extra mind space and time to go in and manage this, just so they can be the “winner” …. That has nothing to do with being a safer driver….