Big chungus is poggers?!?!😳 $15 fortnite card??!!😱😤😎
But to be serious this is a pretty well designed game. Really nice graphics and animation, and I like how the world comes to life the more you add to it. But there were a few things that were a bit off. I had to craft the same item multiple times, even if it wasn’t used in the scenery. It’s not that challenging repeating the recipe again and again. Although if it is targeted to a much younger age group, I can understand how that could still be entertaining. But I see some potential for a more challenging approach. Maybe you can lay out all the materials, give a few tips, and just let the user try to experiment with the recipes on their own. It would definitely feel much more rewarding to craft things. Other apps that are similar to this concept are alchemy games, and they are pretty popular. But if you don’t want to scrap the easy guide that you have, maybe you could make 2 different modes. One for beginners and one for more advanced players. Or you can just do whatever you want lol. But I can tell it’s a good game. I wish it were more popular