Hi, I’m doing this to request songs. I’m requesting the songs sung by Gorefield, I’m requesting a song called Forestall Desire sung by Requital, and I’m requesting a song called Better than Him sung by Soft Mickey Mouse. I might have more suggestions later, so I’ll describe some of the character’s looks. Gorefield looks like Garefield. His first song is called Curious. He turns into a boney blob thing later. His song is called something like Metamorphosis. He then turns into this black and white guts monster. His song then is called Hi Jon. Requital looks like Tails, but he is in a shadow. He has a white and red bandana on his mouth and one strand of hair. He is fought by Pico and BF. If you find any other Requital songs, please add them. Requital can also turn into a beast, so add songs that look like Requital, but much… worse. Soft Mickey Mouse looks a lot like classic Mickey Mouse. His fur is black and grey, he has more of a snout than regular Mickey, and he has the classic overalls. Please add these songs and thank you.