Do you want to learn how you can pay attention to the things that happen in the here and now? Do you wish to live more consciously, worry less, and enjoy life more? This MindfulnessApp will help you to incorporate Mindfulness easily and effortlessly into you daily life.
The MindfulnessApp contains the following advanced Mindfulness training ‘the rhythm of your life’ and the full basic Mindfulness training ‘A full schedule, but not too busy’. The advanced training is the ideal tool to take the next step towards your Mindfulness development, and it will help you to maintain a daily rhythm where mediation is concerned. The training consists of 10 different lessons, which can be followed according to the calendar, or randomly to suit your own needs. The basic training consists of 8 lessons. Each lesson contains all accompanying meditations, in the form of a sound file, as well as the full texts from the book.
The Advanced App offers you the following lessons:
01. Landing in your body
02. Energy follows attention
03. Courage and vulnerability
04. Being one with everything around you
05. All your power comes from within
06. Meeting in the guesthouse
07. Heart meditation
08. Coming home
09. Connecting
10. Now is the moment of power
The Basic App offers you the following lessons:
01. The auto-pilot
02. Breathing
03. A full schedule, but not too busy
04. Staying present
05. Acceptance
06. Thoughts are not facts
07. Taking good care of yourself
08. Looking at the future
Each lesson has a different central theme. For example, you will get to know your auto-pilot, practice dealing with obstacles, and develop an attitude of compassion and acceptance. In this manner, you will learn to live step by step, in the here and now. This App offers you the perfect opportunity to apply this in your own pace, with an intensity chosen by you. Or you could use this App as an addition to the Mindfulness training you are already doing!
After installing this App, you will get full access to the introductions of the training and the first lesson of both training sessions, complete with accompanying meditations! In addition to that, the App contains a short summary of all lessons, where the content of each lesson is displayed, as well as the meditations belonging to each lesson. In this way, you can get a clearer picture of all the lessons that this MindfulnessApp has to offer you.
This MindfulnessApp is developed by Karien Cloostermans, within the training institute Clooser2. She is a high level Mindfulness trainer, and has years of experience, which has been used for this Mindfulness Basic App. The music accompanying the meditations was composed especially for Clooser2 by pianist Maartje Smedts.