Too many ads, if you buy the earnings button at all then merging actually makes you lose profit, and buying the speed upgrade does practically nothing. Lagged my phone out, took 18% battery in 10 minutes…
TLDR of next paragraph; merging and earnings both add but merging is fixed aka lvl1 to lvl2 is always +1, but earnings also adds so it’s useless to merge after some time.
The reason merging and earnings is not compatible earnings-wise is because merging simply adds 2^x, x being the level that merged. But, earnings button ALSO adds, so that means if you have, for example, lvl10 earnings, lvl1 miner makes $11/hit BUT a lvl2 miner makes $12/hit, which means when your 7 miner slots get filled youre going to have to merge two miners that make $22/hit in total to make $12/hit.
Dev, if you want to fix this, one way to do it would to make the miner output something along the lines of (earnings • 2^x) X is level being merged. (Thats assuming that earnings is automatically lvl1, though). That way, the income/sec remains the same when you merge.
thank you for reading hope you change this. It will make the game so much better.