This game has created a high point in my life monkey go 3d, is a groundbreaking game that deserves the most prestigious awards, it has a level of maturity, and a vast. immeasurable, profoundness to it that I can't even put into words. I was given this game as a joke, but this joke has deepened my life experiences in a way that I never thought possible, Monkey go 3d is a faultless that I recommend to anyone, and everyone, no matter background nor age, this game will add an unfathomable wisdom to your life, that you will have never even been aware was feasible, if you are passing up this game, you are hurting yourself in such a way, I might think you were deeply depressed or disturbed. Monkey go 3d has helped me see the light in the tunnel we call life, and with that I end my review, hoping I have convinced you to buy this exquisite game.