Our Multiplication Tables Check follows the exact specification as laid out in the KS2 National Curriculum Assessments published by the Standards & Testing Agency.
There will be 25 questions with 6 seconds to answer and with a 3 second gap between questions. We also follow the exact specification on the minimum and maximum number of questions taken from each times table.
We have designed this check to allow children to become familiar with the layout and timing so they can gain confidence before taking the real check. They will also be able to find the quickest way of inputting answers and even try it on different devices.
Now we come to the important bit: the beauty of our check is that there is a detailed answer sheet which is printable and shows exactly which tables are known.
Version history
We have updated the onscreen number input to be more inline with the government test.
We have also fixed a few bugs.
Introduced some new accessibility options:
* Option for 'next' button between questions - rather than a 3 second pause you can choose to have a next button instead.
* High colour contrast modes - 3 extra modes for high contrast colours to help readability for some pupils.
You can find these new options behind the settings button on the first page of the app.