Muallimi-Soniy Cheats

Muallimi-Soniy Hack 1.7 + Redeem Codes

Muallimi Soniy

Developer: Adham Muhammadjonov
Category: Education
Price: Free
Version: 1.7
ID: org.nativescript.muallimisoniy


Game screenshot Muallimi-Soniy mod apkGame screenshot Muallimi-Soniy apk


This is the app for the book "Muallimi Soniy". It teaches reading arabic language
especially it teaches to read the "Holy Book Qur'an" with (tajweed) properly.
App plays sounds on tap onto letters or words. It has navigation bar on bottom with menu, stop, play all, repeat, next page and previous page buttons. On menu bottom sheet there are two buttons on top left and on top right, they will navigate to about page and closes bottom sheet respectively. How to use app: If you tap on play all on some page it will play all items on that page, and if we set repeat button several times 2, 3, 4 ... and it will play that much

Version history

Bu versiyada: iOS 14 da bo'layotgan xatoliklar tuzatildi va hozirda to'liq ishlamoqda, shuningdek 10-varaqdagi harf tuzatildi.
Agar kimdadur ovoz chiqmaslik holati bo'lsa bir marta ( mute ) iPhone da chap tarafidagi ovozni to'liq o'chirish tugmasidan fodalanib ovozsiz qiling va yana ovozini yoqing.
Bu yangı version da, bizlar oldin bir nechta joydagi xato va kamchiliklarni tuzatdik, jumlada: Imlo hatolari va bir nechta harflarda ovoz chiqmasdan qolishi. Agar kimdadur umuman ovoz chiqmayotgan bo'lsa, iltimos iPhone da (mute mode) ni o'chirib va yana faollashtirishingizni so'raymiz.

Ways to hack Muallimi-Soniy

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