Are you looking for a professional Mushroom Fungus identification app?
For any one who curious to know any mushroom around, this is a professional mushroom identification app. You will instantly know any mushroom down to scientific level by just by taking a photo with your phone.
Mushroom Fungus Identifier - are you in the forest, found interesting mushroom, and don't know, what is it? Just open this app, select proper image, or make a new picture, and this app will tell you, what it looks like.
Mushroom identification make up the great knowledge of botany of the earth. There are several million Mushroom species. The members of each Mushroom come from a common ancestor, have similar structural features, and have certain botanical characteristics.
Mushroom and Fungus Identification is only an aid (training) to the recognition of fungal species. Never eat mushrooms whose determination is based on the results of this application.
They grow in large numbers in forests and fields. Millions of them are hiding in the protective thicket and many withstand an eager collector. The common mushroom, dearly loved treasure in many kitchens. But once it's found, fundamental doubts replace the initial euphoria. What kind of mushroom is this actually?
With the identification of Mushrooms, every Mushroom can be identified as a scientist. To take a picture of Mushroom using Mushroom identification and it wants to use the machine learning to teach you the botany of Mushroom species and types. We only receive answers from reliable professionals to train our machine learning algorithm to deliver the best results, a futuristic toadstool identification app.
The database currently contains 12,352 mushrooms. For 1736 species it achieves accuracy over 80% and the number is still growing. To achieve best results, the mushrooms need to be photographed several times from different perspectives, so that all parts of the mushroom from different angles can be seen in the photos.
Mushroom identifier give Predictions on the botany, behavior of Mushroom can be made as soon as you know your type. But how do you know which types Mushroom belongs to? Mushrooms can be identified in several ways. Comparing a specimen to images of Mushrooms is one possibility. Using a printed key is another way. This Lucid-based key combines the benefits of these methods and adds a new dimension of simplicity and performance to the identification process.
Some Mushrooms list :
agaricus sylvaticus
agaricus xanthodermus
volvariella speciosa
xerocomus badius
boletus appendiculatus
clitocybe flaccida
clitocybe nebularis
daedalea quercina
discina ancilis
elaphomyces granulatus
flammulina velutipes
gyromitra gigas
gyroporus castaneus
hypholoma fasciculare
russula ochroleuca
inocybe rimosa
kuehneromyces mutabilis
leucoagaricus leucothites
lyophyllum decastes
megacollybia platyphylla
mycena pura
pezziza badia
phallus impudicus
russula nigricans
Displays photos of recognized mushrooms, and more.
No mushroom recognition application can be completely flawless. Never consume mushrooms based solely on the results of this application. Many people die each year after eating a poisonous mushroom. Always check the results with an expert before eating.
Don’t Rely completely on this app, it is your responsibility to completely Identify a mushrooms by any mean before eating. Thanks!