My High School Fashion Episode Cheats

My High School Fashion Episode Hack 1.0.1 + Redeem Codes

Choose your Story - Love Game

Category: Games
Price: Free
Version: 1.0.1


Game screenshot My High School Fashion Episode mod apkGame screenshot My High School Fashion Episode apkGame screenshot My High School Fashion Episode hack


Enjoy a real high school love in this game! Meet your girlfriend or boyfriend, have a secret crush and enjoy a romantic and lovely tale in the corridors. What are you waiting for? Live this amazing romance story and have fun!

High school represents the best years of our lives so it is the perfect time to discover love! Enjoy now this cute story at the university and get ready to explore an interactive romance with our characters.

- Enjoy the excitement of this school romance!
- Feel the adrenaline thanks to this interactive narrative!
- Experience real love with your secret boyfriend or girlfriend!
- Share your love story and your achievements with your friends!

Enjoy the high school years playing this amazing immersive game and have hours of fun! Play now!

Version history

- New features added!

Enjoy this enhanced version of the game and play with the latest upgrades!

Ways to hack My High School Fashion Episode

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1.6 out of 5
297 Ratings


Could use improvement
I’m pretty sure this game is a copy of another game. It has no storyline at all and it’s confusing. When I did the girl’s makeup it went away. The design of the people are good but could use more levels and different ways to design their clothes and makeup. The game glitches a lot and at the end of the game it just turns completely black. If you restart the game and go back on you won’t be able to do anything. The game might need a few changes for the reviews to go up. Also, it asked if I wanted ads and I said no but it still added ads. If you don’t mind any of that the game should be perfect for you.
Are you some sick person!? I first saw the ad and it looked really cool but then I realized this was the worst game in the whole universe first of all it shows teens when you look at it in the App Store don’t mind me but they don’t look like teens to me they look like 7 year olds come on it’s 1.5 stars why did I even think to get this game if you have any more games I will never even think about looking at the reviews sorry if I’m being a little harsh but I’m very disappointed in this game a lot more people hate this game too I can’t explain how much I hate this game I’m deleting the second I get off of this disgusting review I hate saying these things but it’s true sorry if I’m being mean or rude I just am really mad that I got this game and I hate it all the games I’ve gotten have at least been an 2.5 star review from me but from this game idk if I’ll ever wanna play love games like these ever again I hope you understand and respond to my disappointments and harsh review

-disappointed customer
Total ripoff 🤬
Once I downloaded the app an ad popped up immediately and once it was over and I got back to home screen another ad popped up. After that the screen froze and unfroze for five minutes, then it went To my main home screen where my device shows all the data. Then I go back to the app and it shows another add once I actually get to the level one screen I realize the characters look like the came from a four year old’s tv show, not a romantic drama game as it describes in the App Store. Then another add pops up. I get to level two and more and more adds appear, by that time I’m waiting for the characters to interact because the characters should be able to do that themselves as the description says. The only thing your doing in the app is basically being a billon of different teachers for each level, you aren’t getting a computer activated drama game, your getting a piece of trash. And the creators of the game should be sued for making a crappy ripoff.
False Advertisement
Okay, so, I’m not going to be mean, saying this game is disgusting and terrible and all that. I’m just really upset about the false advertising! I thought it would be like a, choose your own story, make your own decisions and all that. Instead, it’s like every other kiddie game. That’s really upsetting. I suggest changing the previews or ad about the game to make it seem like the ACTUAL game it is and not some choose your story make your own path game that it isn’t. Really, I’m just upset about the false advertising. So, maybe be a little be more honest next time you make a game? It’s a good kid’s game, but, that wasn’t what the people were promised. So maybe try changing the advertisement and such?

Thanks for taking the time to read this! I hope this game does better in the future :)
cutie cake 123456,
This is a rip off game 👎🏻🤬🤮
Omg I hate this game but I thought it was a good game but no it’s a love story that doesn’t make sense at all. You could make it better but your to lazy to do cool stuff jeez I wonder if you are a spoiled brat in real life and once I played it so many ads popped up i mean SERIOUSLY you wouldn’t have took it off and delete this app no one likes it like love and the characters made me gag I am never NEVER getting a app like this again but don’t worry there’s more OF THIS you really made the characters like their from a nerd club and this is 4+ OMG this should be 12 cause of the kissing and shirtless men disgusting AND THE KISSING ewwww I hated those scenes just stop and make good games no love game I hate those who would ever buy this game no wonder everybody hates this weird game. And once I played the game it said have ads or no ads I said no BUT ADS STILL POPPED UP.
Not at all as Advertised
I honestly would give this zero stars if I could. And usually I can always find something redeeming about an app, but this was just completely deceptive. Not only did the developers promise something that they didn’t deliver on, they made it seem as if it were going to be a choose your own adventure like their previous game. Not only that, but I along with several others pre-ordered this game only to be presented with a game that was not only deceptive, but unplayable. Someone needs to take this game off the App Store for the complete betrayal of trust on behalf of these developers. I had high hopes in this game and really trusted them after their previous game but I suppose I should have seen this coming.
Horrible lying game 😡
This game was such a lie !!! It said it was supposed to be like a game with drama and a story . But it was definitely not that . The characters were like 7 there was no explaining or even talking! And most of all whenever you did something it would not show up!!! If this game was just going to be a cheapy 5 year old game . Why not just say so !!! This game tells a lie And It was a waste of my storage to get a game that is not even what is says it is . Do honestly people can’t you actually write a true description. And make the game make sense and relate to the title !!!!!!
Not a mean comment
Idk why’d everyone’s making fun of this game I mean yea it is horrible but like at least it opened so that’s good and like you never know a five year old could have made this game which the chances are low... but never zero so next time just be a little less mean,
Critical, and criticizing when writing reviews. I mean idk why people say middle schoolers are mean I am a middle schooler.
Understanding customer.
Everyone who’s writing horrible reviews go to hell this game may be bad but the person who made it worked hard I’m sorry if this is short I’m lazy to type but anyways I will give this a 3 start rating but still no bad reviews star’s, that’s alright but no bad compliments so again these reviews are crap
Never stops playing adds! 😡
Ok so, this app might be fun, if there weren’t so many adds playing every five seconds. I couldn’t just play the game without an add popping up. And second, the game never saved anything that I did. So if you shut the window, then it just deletes all your progress. This app would be good if there were less adds and it didn’t just delete everything you did.