My Town : Best Friends' House Cheats

My Town : Best Friends' House Hack 3.00 + Redeem Codes

Friends always play together

Developer: My Town Games LTD
Category: Games
Price: $3.99 (Download for free)
Version: 3.00
ID: mytown.friendshouse


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What is more fun than spending the day with your best friend? In My Town : Best Friends' House you get to play with your best friend in their house! You can explore their room and check out all their fun toys, find the secret drawer and there are even extra beds so you can have a sleepover! And, you’re in luck, your best friends' mom and dad are cooking dinner! They can cook for you in their kitchen or they might even treat you to a BBQ in their backyard! Your best friends' house just might be the only time you’re allowed to play miniature golf INSIDE the house!
No matter which area of the house you choose to explore, there are HOURS of fun ahead!

* New Characters – If you have My Town : Home (FREE to download!), Pets, Museum, Farm or Haunted House, you can bring your characters from that game over to My Town : Farm to join the fun! There are FOUR new kids and two parents to add to your town!
* We update our older games every month, so please wait for the updates to connect these games to My Town : Best Friends' House
* If you are just starting out with My Town, no worries! You can create your own characters inside My Town : Best Friends' House
* The ability to save your progress and pick up where you left off next time you open the app
* Multi-touch Feature: Play with your friends and family on the same device!
If you can imagine it, you can make it. Everything is possible in My Town : Best Friends' House!
Kids 4-12: My Town games are safe to play even when parents are out of the room.

You can easily contact with us on Facebook or Twitter at any time to let us know what you would like changed or added. Maybe you’ve come up with a new My Town game all on your own – let us know! We promise to read all messages and reply. We love to hear YOUR ideas, so please connect with us!
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The My Town Games studio designs digital dollhouse-like games that promote creativity and open ended play for your children all over the world. Loved by children and parents alike, My Town games introduce environments and experiences for hours of imaginative play. The company has offices in Israel, Spain, Romania and the Philippines. For more information, please visit
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Version history

We've made some improvements and fixed some issues so please update all your My Town apps in order for the sharing feature to work as intended. Thank you!
We've fixed some bugs and glitches. Sorry for that! Please update all apps in order for sharing to work.
We've fixed some bugs and optimized the performance of the app.
We fixed some bugs & glitches
We fixed some bugs & glitches
The update you have been waiting for!
1. Full sharing is here! Now you can hold the items using the characters and
move them between the games!
2. wow!!! now you can travel with your family between different games using the family car.
*** To activate the sharing and the map make sure to update HOME game First with the new version.
If you enjoy playing My Town, please leave us a review!
For any other issues, send us an email at [email protected]
The update you have been waiting for!
1. Full sharing is here! Now you can hold the items using the characters and
move them between the games!
2. wow!!! now you can travel with your family between different games using the family car.

*** To activate the sharing and the map make sure to update HOME game First with the new version.

If you enjoy playing My Town, please leave us a review!
For any other issues, send us an email at [email protected]
We connected the game with My Town : Shopping Mall and fixed some small bugs & glitches on Iphone X
If you enjoy playing My Town : Friends' House, please leave us a review!
For any other issues, send us an email at [email protected]
We fixed some small bugs & glitches
If you enjoy playing My Town : Friends' House, please leave us a review!
For any other issues, send us an email at [email protected]
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4.6 out of 5
7 351 Ratings


mari dany,
best friends house renovation
I would like to start by saying that the house looks good it self but I would love it if you could make new clothes for the babies and the parents more shoes and if you could make a 3rd floor with more rooms and make a more modern kitchen and a more modern bathroom and if you can put earrings on the closets for the girl and some shoes for the girls and if you can make a pool in the backyard and a barbecue with a little 2nd floor shed to put on one floor more flowers and vegetables like pineapple seeds, and avocado seeds ,potato seeds ,plantain seeds ,sweet potato seeds, eggplant seeds, onion seeds, garlic seeds, mango seeds, blueberry seeds, blackberry seeds, watermelon seeds black bean seeds, white bean seeds, lentil seeds, chick pea seeds, brown been seeds , white bean seeds ,mushroom seeds, red bell pepper seeds, and if you can make a chocolate milk cartoon that you can pour on the glasses and make some rice boxes that you can pour cook and serve and if you can add a rice cooker and if you can add a microwave oven.
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Make whole bundle free
I would like to start of with, I transferred the guitar from my town doll house to this game and I set the guitar on the ground for a sec , and it vanished. I still don’t have it back. And this game needs more clothes. And can you make a friend for the older girl and younger boy that you can transfer from my town doll house? And pls pls make the whole my town free, a lot of people have paid for them now it’s time to make some free, Toca boca did it. And I have a problem I only have two my town games they are My town doll house and my town friends house and both of them the characters vanish when your playing with them and you can’t get theme out of the side walk. I know that dosing only happen to me it happens to my sister and I was reading the reviews and other people had the same problem. And the box out side that has a bed I’m having a really hard time getting the characters out of the box. I hope you guys fix this you are great! Have a nice day. 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 also this game needs better clothes idk if I said that but this is a really good game.
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Cat 🐱🐈,
Really cool game!!
Let me start by saying what an awesome job you did with the toys. I love how all of them do different cool things especially the car that transforms into a robot. And I’m really happy that you added not only one but three pets the cat the dog and the hamster. My only question is could you maybe make the hamster able to come in and out of its cage because that would be awesome. I also really like the box with a little bed you can sleep with outside my only concern is I have trouble getting the people out of it when I put them in it. Thanks for making so many cool games!!!
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tater tor,
Amazing but update 😍
I love my town games like the beach
And I think you should make a little update on my town best friend house you should put a back yard with a swing and a slide and a trampoline and a pool to swim in but that would be to much work but please please please make a pool. And inside you should make a play room with a toys and games like twister and more games I would love for you to do that I no it would be to much work but please please please please make something like that. Thank you for reading 😍😍😍😍😍
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New my town games please
Ok so first off I love your games and so I have some suggestions on new games you should come out with. My town post office, I think there could be a post office where the characters can send stuff to other people and Mail letters out or even work at the post office. I also think you should make a MyTown Mall, now this game could have a few clothing places and a food court along with a game store. And last but not least there should be a MyTown Amusment park with rides and food stands that would be so awesome. Ok that's all bye :)
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It’s a great game
It’s a great game. And I got a few suggestions for the next update. The first thing is the babies should be able to sleep with the other people(like the parents or siblings). The second thing is that I think the pets should be able to sleep with the humans. The third thing is there should be a more choice in the car. And finally the fourth is the trunk of the cars should be able to open so you can put stuff in it.
Thank you!
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My Town: Sports
I love all of these apps and have all of them but do have a few requests.

1. My Town: Sports
*Various sports fields and equipment
*Possibly more of the teen and kid boys and girls to make sports teams maybe twins or something
*There could be like different locations
-Stadiums for each individual sport
-Locker rooms
-Seating for fans and parents
-Concession stands and a Ticket booths
2. Can you please connect the other apps such as my town cars and grandparents after working on the sports
( I know that my city came out which I do have but my town has many apps and a better potential)
(Please consider)
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Ummm uhh bla 😒🙁😠
This game is so I dont have words it’s just like well in the bathroom it glitches like crazy if you want this game u should get this until it updates.i would like more clothes an maybe more kids an bedrooms an for the toast they should have jelly or something to put on there .an in the pics they should things that I don’t have for this my town .like the garden book an the clothes . We need more food in all the my towns .I would also like more people for it I would tell you more but I will like to play other my towns that work 🤨
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Addison Martin,
Horrible glitching!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When I first downloaded this game it was totally fine and I have had it for months but today I couldn’t put anybody in the room. It kept glitching. I really liked this game but I wish that this game would fix because I really enjoy it and its lots of fun but I don’t enjoy not being able to put one person in the room. I have many my town apps but this is the first time that this has happened so I would like it to be fixed and not happen again.
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New game
I think you should create a my town Disney princesses and have like all different princesses and princes. I would love if you could make a huge castle even bigger than my little princess castle. I would also love if you could maybe add really fancy pets and a bunny I love bunnies so so so much! Please create this and suggest my things that I just wrote to you thanks for reading have a nice day bye bye for now!
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