So, I didn’t expect much. I didn’t get much either.
Many of the buttons are obscurely labeled, which makes it confusing.
There are only about six free sounds, which you will need to watch an ad to play after a while as well.
The “watch an ad to play this sound” feature also doesn’t work. I’ve tried three times now, each time watching until the exit button says “reward granted,” and am still unable to play the sound (or any others without getting the “watch ad” popup). I should note that I refreshed the app several times.
I noticed a few spelling errors in the interface as well, though this is a minor concern.
My worst qualm is that it’s not clear what the difference is between the “remove ads” payment and the subscription feature. Does the subscription remove ads? Does it allow unlimited access to sounds? What is the difference between the subscription and just removing ads?
Also, with how terribly the watch-to-play ads are working, I doubt either payment option would do much in terms of app usability.
Overall, this app has potential (pretty design, good concepts), but it has too many functional issues to attract any sort of user base.