Embellish your journey!
Keep enjoying your stay in Naples with Civitatis and our app.
We've made the following changes and improvements:
- Fixed general bugs.
We'll keep improving to offer you a better service! ;)
Embellish your journey!
Keep enjoying your stay in Naples with Civitatis and our app.
We've made the following changes and improvements:
- Visual improvements that affect the profile. Now you can modify your photo from the app, view your personal information, billing information ...
- Gift Civitatis! Gift your family or friends a Civitatis card to exchange it for activities whenever and however you want!
- General bugs resolved.
We'll keep improving to offer you a better service! ;)
Embellish your journey!
Keep enjoying your stay in Naples with Civitatis and our app.
We've made the following changes and improvements:
- Visual improvements that affect activities, transfers, profile, bookings and cart.
- Improved information in the guide.
- Greater convenience to access the booking voucher, its download and display.
- Fixed general bugs.
We'll keep improving to offer you a better service! ;)
¡Llena tu viaje!
Continua disfrutando tu viaje por Nápoles con nosotros y con nuestra app.
Hemos realizado los siguientes cambios y mejoras:
- Resueltos bugs generales.
¡Seguiremos mejorando para ofrecerte un mejor servicio! ;)