Kebbi Air's Exclusive Coding Tools
Kebbi Air's exclusive visualized coding tool has an easy-to-use interface as fun as building with blocks, and inspires children to develop interest in coding. Chidren can build their first program in just five minutes!
※ 4 Amazing Features of CodeLab Air
Kebbi Air Displays Results Immediately
Instant feedback allows students to develop a coding mindset, and learn determination through identifying errors and fixing the problem.
Different stages help you become a master at coding
With Kebbi Air, you can take on different roles and go through the different stories to help you learn how to use various tools, train your logic through completing challenges, sharpening your problem-solving skills.
Create your own unique robot with over "40 million combinations"
With a variety of blocks for movements, expressions, text-to-speech, camera and touch sensors, you can edit Kebbi's performance with ease. Make him host a party, or send birthday wishes etc.!
Add new or save your programs at any time! Kebbi Air makes it easy to do!
You can add new programs or save them whenever - just connect to Kebbi Air to display the results!