I like this app in particular pecause of the colors
and the smooth graphic movement. Some other similar apps that I've played seem
bland and the movem ent of the ball on the screen is flickery like it's trying to
imitate an old style game console or maybe just wasn't made very well. But this
im is accurate. There are a couple of different styles of
one is smooth and the aim is accurate. thm. I' m over level 200 in the
play available, and enjoy switching between them. I'.m ove
standard game play and over level 500 in continuous play (which I like best)and
am still enjoying the game. The higher lev
ner levels obviously increase in difficulty,
are more challenging. I have to play them multiple times to get the strategy right,
and after a certain point, power ups are definitely needed to pass levels. I choose
the level and intentionally not complete it several times, which helps me
to play the level and ir
determine where to use the power ups for best effect without wasting gems. Since
gems can be earned in small increments by watching ads, expensive purchases
aren't strictly necessary in order to have fun playing. use the game to unwind and
clear my mind, so I don't mind being patient enough to spend time figuring out
each level.that 's' the point, after all:)
Thanks for making such cool app!
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