The OEGames Land Nav application is designed to allow you to practice your land navigation skills in the absence of a physical land navigation course. This application helps you exercise the objectives of:
1. Correctly plotting points.
2. Establishing your plan for completing the course.
3. Calculating distance and direction.
4. Correctly using pace count and pace beads.
No overall instructions just tool tip info. But given the SP starting point and its known coordinate, you plot it and plot the three given destination point flags on the map using the protractor. Then measure distances and angles with pencil tool and protractor. Convert to pace count and compass angle accounting for declination and grid convergence, then start walking. When reaching a flag, enter flag letters for that point and confirm. Do for all 3 and you’re complete. This app could use randomized magnetic declination, automatic entering of found flags in known points so you can warp there, and a cheat button to show current location on map. NVG night nav mode would be cool too.
Great game but a small problem: declination diagrams
I’m having great difficulty enlarging the declination diagram on my iPhone 11.
If this could be fixed or if someone knows a work around that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Best way to learn land nav for the Army
Don’t listen to the bad reviews. This is amazing on an iPad. Watch youtube videos to learn the basics about this app.