Response to dev - thanks for reaching out. Happy to try again, please do let me know when a new version is available. Best, Sara I shouldve stopped when it gave me so much trouble just trying to create an account, whenever i clicked the t&c box to accept, the screen went blank. Finally got it to work and went to add my pets, when i added one and clicked some box, the screen went blank yet again. I forced closed the app and went back to “edit pet” and it went blank again. Seems like the only screens that worked were buying a 3 month/$149 cortisol test kit or a few articles, although i didnt fully click through those so who knows. Im not at all opposed to testing my pups to help them live a less stressful life, but i need to poke around the app first and see what im buying. I wanted to start tracking their stress levels based in the training im working on, to see if i needed to back off at certain points, but this app is too clunky. Im on an iphone 13pro with fully up to date software, so maybe it prefers earlier versions? No clue, but wanted to add that because i do want to help the devs, i think this is a great idea, but just not really functional.