Children’s Animation series: Pikkuli is now available as fun games!
Play together with Woody and Chicks!
Mrs. Hazel Grouse’s little chicks and their choir needs guidance with their singing! Take the role of an orchestra conductor and make them tweet! Tapping or holding makes chicks to chirp and each chick has their own assigned note to sing. You can play and learn 6 fun songs including “Row row row your boat” and “He’s a jolly good fellow”. And if you like, you can also record and play your own songs!
A rusty old car, broken parts, to a clueless pair of eyes it might seem like just pieces of scattered junk. But where others see garbage, Woody sees art. Oh wow, ba-bum-du-dum, hey it’s a drum! Drum away with Woody, 3 drum sequences to learn or if you so wish you can record and play your own sequences!
Pikkuli Band game family for all the music lovers! Instruments and joy of music is at the core of these games.
Safe to play - no in-app purchases!
Travel-friendly - no constant Internet access needed!