Receive hundreds of AI-generated and pre-packaged vertical spreads and their primary options. Our models are trained to select vertical spreads with increased short-term profit probability and performed remarkably well when tested against 5 years of historical data. PINCH also provides critical tools needed to create a balanced and well-diversified options portfolio.
The list of trades can be filtered by the underlying equity and by 4 other critical variables, facilitating the selection of optimal trades. "How To Use PINCH" buttons are available in the introductory and account views to provide users with information on how to best utilize PINCH's features.
The Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use (EULA) are included with the current submission and can be found at the expected locations on the App Store. They are also accessible directly through the app and on our website.
*Excelscion Analytics, LLC is not a broker-dealer or an investment advisor. Options involve a high degree of risk and are not suitable for all investors as the special risks inherent to options trading may expose investors to potentially significant losses. All investments involve risk and past performance of any security does not guarantee future results or returns. The risk of loss in electronic trading can be substantial. Excelscion Analytics, LLC makes no guarantee as to the currency, accuracy, or quality of information published and/or archived on the platform, nor will Excelscion Analytics, LLC accept any responsibility for other organizations, businesses, and private persons that provide information on this platform. All information on the platform regarding products and services provided by Excelscion Analytics, LLC is subject to change without notice. Excelscion Analytics, LLC is not responsible for misprints, out of date information, or errors. Excelscion Analytics, LLC does not provide any financial or investment advice.