This is a small correction for the missing sign #216 (Halt-Dog Circles Right-Sit) in the Mini Course Designer --> Excellent Sign sidebar selection
list. Thank you RJ for notifying me about the missing sign.
This version is a minor update for bugs that were missed in the previous version. Please help by reporting errors that you find as you are using the app.
Added ability to rotate the app: right, left, and upside down. This was added at a user request. It may not display as nicely on the phone, but it will give you this option. Feature added for those who run the app on the iPad. Remember though, the app is built for the iPhone and may not work or display as well on the iPad. Rally On...
Minor bug fix for link to Sign 34. Thank you 'L' for catching this. Added Notes section back into the app.
This is a minor update for some small changes that were made by AKC in the sign descriptions as well as the text formatting of the principal parts..
Also added back the Mini Course Creator and Mini Game.
IMPORTANT: This version has seen the removal of the mini game, the mini course designer, and the notes that were located in the "Treat Bag" area. The app has grown due to the addition of the callouts. If you use any of the above apps, you may not want to update the app to 6.5.
A few people have written asking for a delay feature to be added to the callouts. Now, you can designate the number of seconds that you want between the callout. Up to 120 seconds(2 minutes) is allowed. If you need more time, please send an an email. If you are unhappy about the removal of any of the treat bag items, please send an email. Most people that wrote indicated that they rarely or never used the items that have been removed. If you find bugs, please write to me. Thank you and enjoy your dog(s).
Bug corrections for Callouts. Thank you "D" for emailing about this bug. A few other minor corrections.
Please consider giving the app a positive review. It takes months, and years to create and support an app like this for a small community of users. Reading a positive review or a pleasant email makes the all of the work and effort worth doing.
Dog people "rock" this world! Rally on...
Minor fixes for two sign descriptions. Thank you to RW for emailing me regarding the errors.
Minor bug correction. Thank you to "S" for finding and reporting the error.
Now, you can enter your own 5-60 second delay between Callouts! Since every team takes a different amount of time to preform a sign, this feature allows for more individualization.
Please let us know how it works for you and/or your thoughts on the Callout section.
- "Are you ready?"
This is a minor update to the Callouts Section. A few people have requested a longer pause between Callouts. I've added additional time to the callouts. Please let me know if you find bugs or have any suggestions.
*This update adds an entirely new section of audio Callouts for the signs. This is a huge new feature for Pocket Rally. It could actually be a totally separate App! Please consider giving the app a positive review. A lot of time, work, and energy is spent on providing this app for a very small community of users. A little positive feedback goes a long way to keep us working and happy. Think "treat". Please, also send feedback, bug reports, feature requests, etc.
Correction for reversed descriptions of random signs 33 & 34.
Thank you to "D.....", for finding and reporting this error.
The AKC recently changed the wording for sign 314: Cloverleaf. The app now shows the newer AKC description.
Bug Fixes. Thanks to CLB for notifying me regarding this bug.
Minor correction for missing video 303.
Thank you to the person who wrote to tell me about this issue.
Please email me via the website to let me know of bugs that you find.
Happy Holidays. Enjoy your dog(s) and Rally On...
Correction to the videos for some signs.
Correction to typos for Master class descriptions. (Changed "Masters" to "Master")
Minor bug corrections.
Please help this app be the best that it can be. Submit any errors that you find via the website address link listed.
-Corrected some proof reading errors.
-Added a requested navigation feature for the Sign Reference pages where a tap will take you from the bottom of a sign list to the top.
-Corrected a problem with a disappearing header after playing a video. It will now reappear.
Thank you to those of you who wrote to me in order to call my attention to some of these errors.
If you enjoy the app, please consider reviewing it. There is a lot of work that goes into an app like this. It is nice to get some positive feedback. If you find any issues within the app, please do drop a note via the website listed. Built for the iPhone, but will run on your iPad. Just understand that the visuals may not display as nicely.
This version is a large update for you!
--An entire new section has been added to the "Treat Bag"!
----You now have access to all AKC YouTube Videos (Internet Connection Required)!
------The official AKC YouTube Rally videos are accompanied by the Sign Descriptions.
------This new feature presents the principal parts of the exercise just as you also have in the "Real World Videos".
--Portrait and Landscape viewing has been added (An app user's request-you know who you are)
--Removed the AKC Newsfeed (AKC now requires sign up to view the actual articles).
--Cleaned the code for faster response.
--Eradicated a few bugs.
- Replaced sign 303 video to show a right and a left finish as was requested by some users.
- Replaced all videos with a new format that is, perhaps, more compatible with the iPhone 7. (Please report any problems that you see.)
When you find an issue, please write via the website. If we don't know about a bug, we can't fix it. Thanks.
Replaced videos 303, 309, and 310 in the Masters Class to clarify the sign performance.
Please report any bugs via the website listed. Thank you.
Minor correction for missing sign image 209.
Please drop me a note regarding any issues that you find. If I don't know, I can't help. :-)
This update includes:
-All new principal parts AKC styling added to the Random Sign Practice section.
-Corrections made to some AKC signs that have been updated.
-Updated video for Exercise 303: Recall Over Jump Finish About Turn Forward.
-Updated the Mini Course Creator to include the proper exercise sign images.
-Changed the "Poster Dog" image.
-Other minor fixes as found.
Please help in making this app the best there is for Rally Dog Obedience. Submit any errors that you find. Thank you and "Rally On".
- On 5-17-17, the AKC made some changes to the principal parts of all the exercises. They added italics to the sign descriptions as well as some small changes to a few of the descriptions in order to add clarity . This update adds corrections to all of the principal parts of the AKC sign descriptions in the application's "Sign Reference" area.
(Please Note: Italics have not yet been added to the random sign generation area. They will be coming shortly.)
-Other minor corrections in punctuation and proofing were also made to the application.
-Many small corrections for proofing bloopers.
-Sign description correction for exercise 311.
-Exercise corrections as per AKC for 33 &34.
-Image correction as per AKC for sign 306A.
-bug swat for video 122 that wasn't playing.
Please keep sending any errors that you find in the app. It helps! AKC is still fine tuning the 2017 update. Expect more updates to come.
Correction for a description error in sign 203. Video 203 was also corrected to display the proper video.
A huge "shout out" to the person who took the time to write about this error. "It takes a village" to create an app like this. Please do send errors or bugs so that we can get corrections out as soon as possible.