Sometimes,when I watch one of the episodes of Pokémon,the screen turns blocky and gray and moves along in waves,I have no idea why this is happening and it doesn’t seem to happen on my other apps,so I know it isn’t a problem with my phone,I don’t want to criticize you or sound like Im being rude or anything but do you think you could please fix it?
Another thing,I know that having ALL the Pokémon content would be a lot but I hate having to wait an entire month or even longer just to watch a certain show,I get that I can download other streaming services for it but,I think you would get way more enjoyment,business,and not to mention reviews if you include more content,considering the amount of business you lose if people download other streaming services it would be a bit wiser to include all or most of the shows,if you do,it would be easier to include a search system so people can watch what they want without feeling overwhelmed,such as if they want to watch Pokémon XYZ,all they have to do is look it up and find the series they want to watch
All in all,this is a great app,please don’t feel like Im criticizing your work,it’s just this app is in need of a little update,either way thank you for reading!Again,please don’t feel like I am criticizing I LOVE the app❤️❤️❤️