Politichat is a social network for political discussion. All sides can argue their positions anonymously in hopes of finding common ground and creating real solutions.
Because of my family and career, I’m unable to discuss politics in any way on Facebook. I’ve had friends on both sides of the aisle lose jobs over stating their political opinion. Politichat is a place where I can anonymously say I what want to say, vent when I need to. I’ve actually had some good discussions with people I disagree with. Admin doesn’t censor but there are ways to report threatening people. Lots of the same *bells and whistles * as other platforms but with more FREEDOM!
FINALLY! Great app!
I never thought FB was a proper venue for such divisive topics. My family and friends and coworkers are there so it’s like a cocktail party or of mixed company. Political discussions are crucial to our democracy. I needed a place to go where my real life friends and family aren’t getting into political fights, but I can express myself freely. Politichat does this perfectly. I love it! I’m hooked!
Great App for posting Political videos
I’ve been at it and asked my followers on TruthSocial and 2nd1st to come over here! I hope it blows up really big!