I could teach a three-year old to program this in five minutes
There is absolutely nothing remarkable or impressive about the audio adjustment features of this application. It does not make your voice sound like a different person, it only accomplishes the extremely simple task of increasing/decreasing pitch and increasing/decreasing playback speed—those are the four useful functions, at least. There is also a vast amount of totally useless functions which render the input nearly incomprehensible while burying it with terribly unconvincing environmental sound effects, like rain, which sounds more like it was recorded in 2006 with a flip phone that was left on a car windshield than it does like a believable enhancement to the soundstage. And then, there’s fire—at least, that’s what the symbol for it looks like… unfortunately, it sounds more like someone shoved your portable karaoke microphone into an empty bag of chips from the pile of junk food wrappers one of the talentless “professionals” who programmed this app lives inside.