This app has been pretty useful for my experiments! I have a few suggestions:
1) failing to upload data.
If a person quits a game with pressing the home button, the data is not uploaded. Only if s/he hits "quit" when s/he returns the app, then the data is uploaded. It'd have been better if the data is uploaded in the former case as well.
2) setting a reminder to play a game.
Some experiment games are required to be played on certain days. It'd be nice to able to set a reminder to play a game on a certain day and time.
3) unique links to download an experiment to the app.
Currently, the user has to search a keyword to download an experiment. I'd also want to have an option of using a one-click-link to download the app, for those who are interested. This would enable experiments to give directions to participants more quickly.
I hope these suggestions are reviewed.
Thank you.