PROFIL klik Cheats

PROFIL klik Hack 1.1.2 + Redeem Codes

Developer: Profil Klett d.o.o.
Category: Education
Price: Free
Version: 1.1.2
ID: ProfilKlik


Game screenshot PROFIL klik mod apkGame screenshot PROFIL klik apkGame screenshot PROFIL klik hack


Profil klik – digitalni udžbenici su prvo sveobuhvatnoo softversko rješenja za multimedijske digitalne udžbenike u Hrvatskoj, koje će učenicima osnovnih i srednjih škola omogućiti napredniju i temeljitiju komunikaciju s nastavnim gradivom te interaktivno istraživanje i upoznavanje teorije svih predmeta u hrvatskim školama.

Sadržaji udžbenika utemeljeni su na preglednom i metodički osmišljenom obliku tiskanih izdanja, snalaženje je vrlo jednostavno i lako jer se korisnik digitalnim udžbenikom može služiti paralelno s tiskanim izdanjem. Interaktivno upoznavanje nastavne materije kroz digitalne udžbenike osigurano je edukativnim i ekskluzivnim multimedijskim sadržajem na hrvatskom jeziku, u prvom redu atraktivnim 3D animacijama i drugim videozapisima, zatim zvukovnim zapisima, interaktivnim objektima i kvizovima, slikovnim prilozima i fotogalerijama, prezentacijama, tablicama te naposlijetku, poveznicama na web i sadržaj unutar udžbenika.

Upoznavanje gradiva korištenjem Profil klik – digitalnog udžbenika dodatno je unaprijeđeno i olakšano mogućnostima obilježavanja, označavanja i upisivanja vlastitog sadržaja, pri čemu je sav obilježeni tekst moguće pregledati na jednom mjestu, ispisati ga ili eksportirati u zaseban dokument na vlastitom računalu. Kompletan multimedijski sadržaj je pomno odabran, stvoren u Profilovoj vlastitoj produkciji ili otkupljen od poznatih europskih produkcijskih kuća poput BBC-a te je u potpunosti usklađen sa zahtjevima i osobitostima hrvatskog obrazovnog sustava.

PROFIL klik is the first multimedia digital textbook software in Croatia. It enables advanced and thorough communication with subject material to all elementary and high school students, allowing them to research and discover multimedia content and hyperlinks added to textbooks used in regular schools, approved by the Ministry of Education. In this way students can deepen their understanding of any subject, and teachers can include attractive and educational multimedia in their classes. Added multimedia includes video and audio files, quizzes, interactive diagrams, photo galleries and presentations, and much, much more… Every user can personalise their textbook by highlighting text, adding notes and bookmarks, they can export or print at any time. Every user can access their book through the App or online, and all of the user generated content is kept in sync by a cloud system.

Version history

-Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Bug Fixes
Stunning new design, refreshing eBook Interface, book download capabilities and a host of features to enhance your learning. Seamless integration of eBooks with videos, synched audios, image banks and inter activities for an engaging eBook reading experience.
App features:
· Refreshing eBook Interface.
· Download your books and access them offline.
· Amazing Page Rendering - eBooks feel just like the printed books.
· Portrait and Landscape view with thumbnail based navigation.
· Make contextual notes, highlight text and see them in a centralised section for easy reviewing.
· Interactive Learning with Audio, Video and Images.
· Read Aloud Capabilities.
· Full text based search capability to search any content within the eBook.
. Support for classroom-based learning.
. Contextual interaction between students and instructors within eBooks.
. Individual and class roster analytics enables instructors to help students learn more efficiently.
. Annotation sharing by students and teacher review of individual student annotations
· Support for conversation thread in sticky notes.
· Jump to any page with folio Id in thumbnail view.
· Displays book size on disk.
· Auto Image Magnification.
1. Bug Fixes.
Bug Fixes
Stability improvement and Bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Various bug fixes.
Multi Color Highlight, Performance Enhancement, Bug Fixes

Ways to hack PROFIL klik

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