Greek Prof. here. Don’t waste your money on other dictionary apps. I recommend this app to my students and use it for myself because of its simple UI, impressive speed, and powerful search capabilities. While usefully made available offline, entries are also linked to Perseus texts for convenient browser viewing. The bookmarking and new export vocab app are wonderful tools for Flashcard making...I cannot believe this feature set is free!
Also: You can search for English headwords, which makes composing Ancient Greek on the fly a total breeze. Seriously though, this is not just a niche feature, as it has saved my goose numerous times when I need to find synonyms or am exploring networks of meaning or ancient discourses on x topic.
Finally: My research specialty is Pindar. I cannot express how singularly awesome it is that Slater’s full Lexicon is on here, as that text is both extortionately expensive and unwieldy to lug around to whatever remote island where I happen to be toiling away...
In sum: the dev must be commended for a serving such a pleasant and comprehensive lexical experience, which will meet the needs of both the student and the professional.