Qi: life force energy.
Gong: skill through practice.
Qigong is an ancient practice for building and cultivating energetic health. By improving energetic health, we improve physical, mental, and emotional health. Qigong works to clear energetic blocks in the bodymind and tonifies the body for greater energetic vitality.
There are thousands of varieties of qigong flows and postures. It can be overwhelming. The purpose of this app is to use artificial intelligence to generate a flow of postures that are designed for the specific things you want to work on; for example: better sleep, more confidence, attract financial abundance, improved focus, better eye sight, quit smoking...
After you generate a flow (or if you use one of the installed pre-generated flows), you can use the Flow Player to guide you through the postures. The Flow Player will display each posture for the recommended time of that posture. You can also swipe through the postures manually.
Each flow generation costs one token. You have 3 free tokens. After that, you can purchase 9 tokens for $0.99 in the Profile tab.