Quick Agent Cheats

Quick Agent Hack 4.0 + Redeem Codes

Developer: Property IQ, Inc.
Category: Business
Price: Free
Version: 4.0
ID: com.property-iq.quickagent


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Real estate agents, use Property IQ Quick Agent to streamline the process of getting photos and descriptions uploaded to your Property IQ account. Say goodbye to the hassle of getting photos off your camera to the computer to the web site - Quick Agent does it all! See your list of properties, filter them by keywords, take pictures and choose common or custom descriptions and Quick Agent will handle syncing everything with your Property IQ account - it's almost too easy! Try it today!

Version history

Updates to networking, image capture and various other improvements.
iOS 11.3 compatibility fixes.
Update for iOS 8 compatibility.

Updates for iPhone 6 and 6 Plus.

Fix for iOS 7 issues involving the search filter.

Fix for iOS 8 to prevent small white border being added to images.

Fixes for compiler warnings.

Updated App Store artwork.
Vast change set including the following:

Images are now saved at 960x1280 portrait and 1280x960 landscape (up from 480x640 and 640x480 respectively). This means the images are 4x as detailed... (1280x960) / (480x640) = 4

Got rid of gradient buttons. They were being flakey.

Description keyboard now has “done” button instead of “return” button.

Splash images & icons w/XCode asset catalogs. Bold text box text. Incremented version.

Login screen makeover.

Made submit button be progress bar and contain progress messages.

Gave loading indicator a round grey background color.

Login loading indicator blocks touches.

Hooked up keyboard “next” and “go” buttons for login screen.

Added double tap to zoom in, two-finger tap to zoom back out.

Fixed nav and tab bar flicker upon first loading. Had to do with content underlapping and the bars being translucent initially.

Updated nav, tab and search bar background colors.

Changed deployment target to iOS 7.

Centralized style settings and more visual cleanup.

Fix for full sized image repeated pinch zoom jumps to center bug and other pinch-zoom bug fixes.

Added clear buttons to right of text boxes when editing text.

Fix for thumbs underlapping bottom nav.

iOS 7 full screen image preview nav bar fix.

iOS 7 fix for taking pic with flash.

Removed un-needed AVCaptureVideoDataOutput, which caused captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection's completion handler to not be called.

Small compiler warning fixes and project settings updates.

iOS 7 styles, thumb icon flicker fix, property cell highlight fix.

Color tweaks to login page.
-fixed bug with state search highlighting - when first letter of state was typed it would be highlighted in the address instead of the state (if address had that letter)

-rotating to and from landscape now super duper smooth

-further speed enhancements

-login progress status

-hide keyboard on login

-cleaned login interface/image

-added some nice character icons to buttons and alerts

-reduced login timeout to 30 seconds
-Camera flash support
-Made description label scroller remember its position between pictures
-When touched small preview image goes fullscreen for quick proofing
-Universal app to make better use of iPad/iPhone 5 screen
-Improved picture preview window performance

Ways to hack Quick Agent

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