App is still relatively new to the toolbox, but the first handful of times we have used this to find something to watch, we have found passable movies each and every time using the easy to use filters for minimum rating, genre, maturity range, date range, etc. Curious to see if the app adjusts for our favorites and watch list, but it seems as though the suggestions are just getting better and more relevant as we go.
If you watch about every movie in your preferred categories, this is a great app to find movies that fit the bill you may have missed or suggest movies that you haven’t seen in a long time but may have enjoyed.
Wife expects me to be the AI to find the content for us to watch while she is the final veto; this is a great tool to rifle viewing options at her that we both probably will enjoy!
I’ve marked stuff we watched as favorites as stuff we want to watch in the watch-list, and want to see how the app acts with that data, if it still suggests the same movies after favorited, but based on my initial handful of experiences, I’ve really enjoyed it and can recommend giving it a try. What’ve you got to lose?