QwikU Mobile Cheats

QwikU Mobile Hack 1.0.17 + Redeem Codes

A mobile recruiting database

Developer: Stephen Turner
Category: Sports
Price: Free
Version: 1.0.17
ID: com.qwiku.mobile


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QwikU Mobile is the all new mobile application made specifically for the QwikU software, that aims to give you the power of QwikU anywhere and everywhere you go.

QwikU Mobile allows you to view and edit athletes and schools, as well as, introduces some new tools like Recruitment Trip Routing and having the ability to upload a video directly to an athletes profile from your camera or photo library.


• Evaluations •

• Virtual Boards •

• Athlete & School Searches •

• Athlete & School Profiles •

• Clip Player •
o view athlete cutup clips within the in-app clip player, with the same annotations as the web app (read-only)

• Film Upload •
o upload videos straight from your camera or phone, directly to an athlete's profile

• Recruiting Trip Generator •
o pick individual schools or athletes, or pick from your team's saved maps and generate a trip in google maps to all your waypoints and back
o Only 6 schools and/or athletes can be picked at a time due to limitations set by Google Maps

Version history


July 27, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.17 -> v.1.2.18 | sv.1.0.16 -> sv.1.0.17):

• Updates to login & authentication process
June 02, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.16 -> v.1.2.17 | sv.1.0.15 -> sv.1.0.16):

• Fixed bug causing evaluations to load slowly in the todo, completed and team todo sections of the evaluations section of the app

• Fixed bug that was causing evaluations to not be completed / submitted when not first assigned an evaluation to do
May 12, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.15 -> v.1.2.16 | sv.1.0.14 -> sv.1.0.15):

• Added functionality to be able to edit virtual-board tags divider label to match the web app implementation

• Added "Offers" (P5 Offers & G5 Offers) filter to the athlete search

• Added graduation year, school name, and athlete position to athletes found in the search for uploading cutups to differentiate between athletes with same names

• Added popup warning after tapping "upload" in the upload cutups section to inform the user not to navigate away from the upload page or close the app while clips are still processing

• Made it so that the keyboard closes whenever a user taps the "camera roll" button in the upload cutups section

• Made the cutup title field in the upload section update it's validation (red error outline and message) so that it goes away when a user taps out of the input field and has typed a valid title for the cutup
May 02, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.14 -> v.1.2.15 | sv.1.0.13 -> sv.1.0.14):

• Cleaned up the athlete search UI as well as filters, making the flow of a query more simple and streamlined for the user

• No longer have to click "ok"/"cancel" when selecting your filters for them to be applied to the search

• Filter expansion panel now closes on tap so that the user can see that the search is loading a list of athletes

• Now when having the filter expansion panel open and the keyboard open at the same time, the text field for the search is a minimum sized bar that leaves enough space for the keyboard

• New dropdown menus custom designed to wrap long option text to the next line so that there is no graphical run-off of text within the dropdown menu

• Selected items now display in the filter dropdown title, replacing the name of the filter dropdown when items have been selected

• Can no longer open the "County" dropdown filter before selecting a state from the "State" dropdown filter
April 26, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.13 -> v.1.2.14 | sv.1.0.12 -> sv.1.0.13):

• Fixed bug causing uploads to show up on web app as a "blank, black screen" when uploaded from mobile, as well as made them be uploaded iteratively (one after the other) rather than all together. Order in which the encoding procedure was initialized is what was causing this to happen more so on longer videos.
April 18, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.12 -> v.1.2.13 | sv.1.0.11 -> sv.1.0.12):

• Fixed bug causing most recent upload to replace existing cutups on an athlete when uploading from mobile
April 14, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.11 -> v.1.2.12 | sv.1.0.10 -> sv.1.0.11):

• Changed "SMS" label to "Text" for questionnaire related sending options

• Added "Max Preps" link to athlete profiles, within the "Academic Information" section

• Fixed the "Recruiting Coach" value within the athlete edit form to display the recruiting coaches name correctly

• Made some changes that should prevent a few possible issues with showing athletes in lists

• Believe the problem with the search list for athletes showing duplicate items has been fixed. Error has not occurred again in testing

• Push notification message for completed evals has been edited to include: name of athlete that was evaluated, name of evaluator, and the grade of the eval

• If coaches are assigned to an athlete as a recruiting / area coach and are opted in for push notifications, then they will now receive a push notification whenever another coach completes an evaluation on the athlete

• Coaches can opt in / out of push notifications on the website (cog icon) for completed evaluations of athletes they are the recruiting / area coach for

• Updated some app dependencies, as well as the framework to the newest version

• Updated minimum required iPhone Operating System version to 13.0 from 12.1

March 23, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.10 -> v.1.2.11 | sv.1.0.9 -> sv.1.0.10):

• Added new section "Questionnaire" allowing users to copy and send their team's questionnaire link in both text message (SMS) and email

• Along with the new questionnaire section, we have added a new dropdown button on an athlete's profile page, "Send Questionnaire". When pressed, a dropdown menu gives two options: SMS & EMAIL. Tapping on either option opens the respective default app on the device (iMessenger, Mail, Gmail, etc.) with the athlete's phone number or email already added as the recipient and link used as the message. The message also includes the name of the team sending the link so that the recipient knows who it is coming from.
March 14, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.9 -> v.1.2.10 | sv.1.0.8 -> sv.1.0.9):

• Fixed bug in user todos, completed evals, and other team user incomplete evals causing the list to be displayed as empty for some users. Problem was occurring whenever an athlete that has no team edits was present in any of the lists.
March 2, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.8 -> v.1.2.9 | sv.1.0.7 -> sv.1.0.8):

• Fixed bug in user todos & completed evals that was causing the list to show up empty when I certain criteria was met.

• Upon completing an evaluation that has been assigned to a user, if completed on mobile then the user's todos & completed evals get refreshed and the user gets sent back to the todos eval page
January 30, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.7 -> v.1.2.8 | sv.1.0.6 -> sv.1.0.7):

• Implemented push notification enrollment for getting push notifications for evaluation completion and assigned evaluations
o After updating to this version you should get a pop-up when opening the app that will ask your permission for QwikU Mobile to send you notifications. Accept this and login to
your account in the app and your device will be setup to receive push notifications. If for some reason you do not get this pop-up and push notifications are not working, then
try logging out and closing the app, then re-open and log back in, or simply delete and re-install the app. All data is synced to the website so deleting the app WILL NOT result
in data loss

• Fixed bug causing todo evaluations to not be displayed correctly, if at all. Believe this was causing the infinite loading glitch for some users
o All evaluations should display correct data as of now (displaying correct team edits)

• Fixed team todo users to show the correctly filtered users rather than all team users in no specific order. Now ordered by the amount of incomplete evaluations each user has

• Fixed bug when trying to complete an evaluation that was causing the evaluation to not actually be completed whenever the submit button was pressed.

o If the todo list or any other tabs / information in the evaluations section does not update after completing an evaluation on mobile or doesn't seem to be up to date when data
is changed via web, try closing the app and re-opening it. A fix to this is in the works and closing the app and re-opening it will not be required in the next update
January 30, 2023
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.6 -> v.1.2.7 | sv.1.0.5 -> sv.1.0.6):

• Added ability to input decimal values for the measurement fields in the add/edit forms for athletes.

• Updated buttons at the top of the maps page to be bigger and have more space to prevent accidental tapping of other buttons.

o Also gave them a design facelift to look more like buttons rather than just icons with text.

• Removed unused dependencies

November 30, 2022
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.5 -> v.1.2.6 | sv.1.0.4 -> sv.1.0.5):

• Fixed bug where athletes were not being shown/refreshed on some virtual-boards.

• Fixed bug where offer tags were not being displayed on board-tags (default color was set to white -> changed to green)
October 25, 2022
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.4 -> v.1.2.5 | sv.1.0.3 -> sv.1.0.4):

• Reconfigured "upcoming birthdays" dialog to display a loading indicator, instead of a blank dialog, until all upcoming birthdays are gathered and ready to be displayed

• Removed logout timer and replaced with a more sophisticated system of checking a users login authentication status when opening / initializing the app. If a user is no longer authorized to the server, then they will be sent to the login screen to re-authenticate / re-login
• Should fix bug where users were getting logged out randomly in the middle of doing a task
September 15, 2022
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.3 -> v.1.2.4 | sv.1.0.2 -> sv.1.0.3):

• Reconfigured loading process for team virtual-boards and the way they get sorted

o Was believed to be causing issues with uploading cutups whenever a team doesn't have a custom order set for their virtual-board list

• Added "Upcoming Birthdays" icon next to the notifications icon on the home page

o Displays list of athletes with upcoming birthdays, highlighting the athletes in which have a birthday on the current day

• Implemented user login check so that every time the app is opened / initialized, the account gets checked for login validity. If login status is no longer valid
then the user will be navigated back to the login screen to re-login

o Should fix bug causing search data and other information not to be displayed whenever a user opens the app after being away for a while

o This fix should make it so that the web platform and app login status is more in sync with each other

• Fixed bug with virtual-board columns not displaying position aliases, as well as made sure board-tags also represent the position alias if one is set

• Fixed issue with virtual-board columns not completely being displayed / loaded

o Should fix missing columns and duplicates

• Fixed issue where text for athlete rank / grade on virtual-board board-tags was not turning the correct color based on the "Full Color" setting

o Also found and fixed a bug causing some teams to not be able to see board-tags in full color mode, even if it was enabled

• Reconfigured the loading process and widget for the athlete's profile image so that it either shows the image or placeholder. It will try to get the image from one
of two locations and if that fails, it will display the placeholder image

• Edited loading indicator design for better look and fit to the layout

o Previously the loading indicator was at the top of the screen

• Reconfigured the "recruiting coach" field on athlete profile to display the recruiting coach name rather than "positional" when an athlete doesn't directly have a
a coach attached to them and is going based off of the positional coach for their state/county
September 02, 2022
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.2 -> v.1.2.3 | sv.1.0.1 -> sv.1.0.2):

• Implemented admin auto-inactivity logout & deauthorization (admin-only change).

• Configured team virtual-board order to match the order shown on the website.

• Reconfigured the “edit trip” section when generating a trip from saved maps and plotted athletes and schools, to display only the schools found within the plotted athletes
and schools. Now when generating a trip, if multiple athletes are of the same school, only the one school they all share gets shown in the “edit trip” section and allows for

o This should decrease the number of items able to be reordered, improve trip generation efficiency and create a more organized process for generating a trip
and selecting the order of the stops in which you would like to make.

o Prior to this update, when generating a trip from a saved map (or selecting by search) with multiple athletes of the same school, all the athletes would get shown
in the reorderable list within “edit trip” and could sometimes cause too much clutter.
Change-log & Bug Fixes (v.1.2.1 -> v.1.2.2 | sv.1.0 -> sv.1.0.1):

- Fixed athlete verifications in athlete search to accurately depict the correct verification value

- Added "In State?" field to athlete profile, add/edit forms and board-tags

- Reconfigured "edit athlete" process to refresh the profile with new data after an edit, so the user does not have to navigate off and back to the profile to see the new info

- Fixed "Rank" text on board-tags (when full-color is disabled & rank color is black) to default to white so that it can be seen on the dark background

- Limited the width of the container surrounding the coach name on board-tags so that if a name is longer than the allotted width, an ellipsis gets appended to the name. Previously the name would get clipped and the excess would overflow onto the next line

- Removed the delete / trash icon from school prospect list items

- Removed the search limit on the amount of schools returned in a school search

- Implemented the ability to display tag colors applied to a school/state/county when board-tag is set to option two

- Fixed bug that caused the verifications on athlete search items to all display the same result after applying a filter to the search

- Fixed rank text on athlete search items and athlete profile to always display the correct color based on the hexadecimal color code attached to the athlete rank

- Implemented a field on the athlete profile to display the athlete's "prospect grade" next to the "recruiting grade / rank", when "Use Prospect Grade" is enabled in team settings

- Implemented the "prospect grade" filter onto the athlete search whenever "Use Prospect Grade" is enabled in team settings

- Reconfigured athlete search items to display an athlete's "prospect grade" underneath the "recruiting grade / rank", whenever "Use Prospect Grade" is enabled in team settings

- Reconfigured the layout of the athlete search items to better fit the screen when text is long, as well as edited the sizing and weight of some of the text in the card so that the fields are a bit easier to read and follow

Ways to hack QwikU Mobile

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