Ration. Cheats

Ration. Hack 1.13.2 + Redeem Codes

Curate. Share. Consume Better.

Developer: Ration Labs
Category: Entertainment
Price: Free
Version: 1.13.2
ID: fyi.rationlabs.app


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Powered by human curation, Ration is optimized for healthy and engaging daily media consumption.

Drawing inspiration from music curation, we give you the tools to create beautiful content playlists, and a platform to build your reputation and audience. By highlighting our platform’s best curators and showcasing their unique voices, we are building a community that encourages and rewards thoughtful selections and well-crafted content playlists.

Version history

This is a big one! We now have a new tab called charts where you can go to see what is popular in the Ration app. You can also see what your personal charts look like. What is your most popular link this week? Which of your playlists had the most reach? Metrics are based on how many "rock-ons" each of your links get, how many people click through to your link, and how many people share your playlists and links. You can also add a description to any of your playlists and edit the custom url associated with each playlist. Here is the comprehensive list of tickets in this build:

Bug Fixes:
- Sign Up Issues (RAD-1289)
- You should not get onboarded when you uninstall and reinstall the app now, your onboarding status is no longer stored locally. (RAD-1277)
- Issues with the photo preview are now fixed (RAD-1280)
- Trust button animations have been polished (RAD1279)

The charts tab (RAD-1265):
- Gauges to determine the score of each link, playlist, and curator (RAD-1264)
- Community Charts (RAD-1266)
- 'Me' Charts (RAD-1267, RAD-1288)

Playlist customization:
- Give your playlists descriptions (RAD-970)
- Playlists can now have custom urls (RAD-1001 and RAD-1286)

UX Improvements:
- Pink 'unread' outline for curators on your homepage who have updated since you last checked their page (RAD-1278, RAD-1285)
- You can now see your stats on your own links (rock-ons, click throughs, shares) (RAD-1275, RAD-1270)
- Improve error messages (RAD-1135, RAD-1193, RAD-1231)
- Clarified click target on Playlist Preview (RAD-1284)
- Curators can now be sorted by "top ranked" (RAD-1272)
- Added two more slides to the on-boarding (RAD-1262)

- Implemented push notifications (RAD-1260)
- We notify you when curators you trust have updated! (RAD-1257)
- Made a new version of the home page where you only see the newest things from "Curators You Trust." This means that you have complete control over your home page experience. To keep up with your favorite curators, make sure you click the "Trust" button on their profile so you never miss an update. [RAD-1259, RAD-1268, RAD-1271]
- We have moved the Settings icon to a more prominent location in the upper right of your home page. [RAD-1263]
- We removed the "dislike" button on articles. Positive reinforcement only :) (Don't forget that you can always flag objectionable content) [RAD-1269]
- We added some helper text to the commentary field when you add a new link to remind you that commentary is important! Adding commentary helps the community know whether they want to click on a link or not. Tell them why it matters! [RAD-1273]
- We added a pink glow to some design elements in dark mode to mimic light mode's drop shadows. [RAD-1132]
-The playlist preview carousels no longer wrap around, so when you come to the end of a playlist you can't swipe anymore. [RAD-1258]
- When you click the bottom write button on the tab bar (the "Me" button) you can see your current profile and featured playlist. Go here to see what other users see when they click on your name in the curator tab or when they go to ration.fyi/yourusername on the web. You can edit your profile and your currently featured playlist here! [RAD-1247]
- If you leave the app with an in-app browser open and share a link to Ration, the add link modal was hidden behind the in-app browser. This was not expected behavior for many users. We have changed the flow so that any share-to-Ration action closes any open in-app browser to smooth out this UX. [RAD-1261]
-We have a brand new homepage for you to explore! It focuses on highlighting our curators' commentary and does a better job showcasing the great content ecosystem that we're building. Please check it out and let us know what you think! [RAD-1222, RAD-1223, RAD-1224, RAD-1227, RAD-1228]
-Lots of UX improvements throughout, like hiding less-relevant buttons in menus, and unifying where our modal "close" buttons are. [RAD-1226, RAD-1250, RAD-1251]
-Defaulting the playlist names to be more generic, i.e.: "Playlist 3" instead of the date, to encourage users to name their playlists with more variety. [RAD-1225]
-Fixed some oddness around how our default images are displayed (when no opengraph image is found) [RAD-1245, RAD-1207, ]
-Some backend changes to help later with analytics, like keeping a series of "gauges" tracking different actions that are happening within the app. [RAD-1221]
-Styling the in-app changelog to fit the rest of the app's theme [RAD-1236]
-Tracking link click-throughs for later usage (stay tuned!) [RAD-1238]
Build 1.6 is a juicy one! Here is what we have improved:
We no-longer have a "settings" tab, it is now a "me" tab where you can go to check out what your profile looks like, look at your engagement analytics, invite friends, and more! [RAD-1229]
If you want to more easily see what is new in each build, you can check out the change log in the "About" section [RAD-1219][RAD-1218]
Now, if you have connectivity issues, we will let you know instead of mysteriously not loading things. [RAD-1181]
We fixed some issues with the sign up process and how we handle username errors and reserved names [RAD-1214][RAD-1198][RAD-1155]
We disabled autocorrect in the url field when adding new links to eliminate some potential frustration [RAD-1232]
There is now a confirmation dialogue that will prevent you from accidentally losing edits on your links [RAD-1054]
We added more specific error messages through the app [RAD-1135][RAD-1193]
We no longer send users through onboarding a second time upon re-installation or installation on a different device [RAD-1140]

Known issues: Analytics are not currently accurate. We have already fixed a bunch of issues, but we are working to get it done for build 1.7. For now, take what you see on your analytics page with a grain of salt. [RAD-1158][RAD-1157][RAD-1220]
You can now crop images! Say goodbye to poorly framed, poorly scaled photos. [RAD-955]
Our friends with small screens can now enjoy the buttons lurking at the bottom of the settings tab, and at the bottom of the waiting room. [RAD-1213]
Photo uploads should be speedier, now that we've stopped uploading all of those unnecessary pixels [RAD-1092]
Some backend changes to monitor our web services for outage, so you don't miss out on a second of great content. [RAD-1173]
New Stuff:
There is now a pink outline around any curators in your Trusted section on the homepage that has updated since you last logged in. [RAD-1204]
We added a placeholder image and some text to user pages that do not yet have a featured playlist. We hope that this helps with both the look of an empty page and also gives people a nudge to feature their first playlist. [RAD-1208]
We switched the order of the tabs in the Library so that links now comes first. This makes more sense with the general playlist building flow: find links first, build playlists second. [RAD-1205]
We added place holder images and tutorial text to both the Links and Playlists screens on the Library tab. [RAD-1209]
We changed the aspect ratio of the preview photos on the home page for design continuity and to allow for more of the titles to be displayed. [RAD-1206]

Bug Fixes:
If you clicked on a link to a Ration account that didn't exist, it would drop you on a blank screen with no back arrow. That error case is now handled better and you are instead notified that the account doesn't exist and returned to the home screen. [RAD-1129]
New Stuff:
The homepage has been reordered so the Trusted curators are sorted by which of them have updated most recently. [RAD-1197]
The "Staff Picks" section also uses the sort order we specify, rather than sorting by recent (giving us more control over the homepage experience). [RAD-1194]
We now have the ability to send push notifications to users. [RAD-1192]
Added Pull-to-refresh to Curators tab. [RAD-1176]
Generally improving our analytics so we can start gathering better insights about where users spend their time in the app.

Fixed an issue where the Ration share target would be missing when triggered from certain apps, specifically Pocket and the iOS App Store. [RAD-1177]
Fixed a reordering issue where you would inadvertently modify a playlist other than the one you were actively reordering. [RAD-1139, RAD-1196]
Better error in the situation where you have disallowed/revoked gallery or camera access for the app. [RAD-1156]
[RAD-1165] Now we allow our users to see their own playlists, regardless of whether we're featuring them in our Curators list
[RAD-1125] Removed a couple of unnecessary extra clicks while editing playlists.
[RAD-1174] Fixed issue where the user's bio wasn't rendered when viewing non-featured playlists.
[RAD-1180] Updated the wording that users see when they're waiting for an invite telling them more specifically what should happen next.
[RAD-1185] Updated the wording that gets generated as an SMS when a user invites another, to match the actual flow that's occurring.
[RAD-1164] Worked out a few quirks in the backend around how/when the user's "you're user number X" number was generated.
[RAD-1167] fixed an issue where phone numbers using country code (1) without a leading + were not being autofilled correctly during signup and login.
[RAD-1166] Fixed an issue where the "Sign Up" button would become unresponsive if you attempt to submit an invalid username.
Moved the "bouncy ball" loader animation off to the side during sign-up so it doesn't block your view when hunting for a good username.
Fixed some references to an old app identifier down in the guts of the app manifest/build.

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missy sprezz,
Literally no one I know has an invite