Well, what can I say, I should have just taken a dollar out of my pocket and taken a 1 minute video clip of me lighting it on fire, and saved it on my 3g(s). The thing is that this app has great video clips, but they only last under 2 minutes and that's it. The ability to loop a clip is not there. This kind of renders the campfire, candle, and gas flame clips kind of pointless. I mean what kind of fun is a 1 minute candle. The sparkler apps I understand. I can see those are fun once or twice a year, but if you are looking to relax to a campfire or candle, this app is not for you. The controls are also pointless. First off they are in your settings menu. Ok that's cool, but honestly, they don't have any function that I could see, for instance, you can not change the backround as it leads you to believe, and it has viewing options that all look the same to me. POINTLESS! Do I feel ripped off? Yes. I have bought and reviewed hundreds of apps and this one takes the prize for the dumbest decision, and biggest waste of a dollar I have had the misfortune to spend. My advise to the developer is to quit application developement and change careers to standing on a freeway onramp and beg for dollars. At least that way I would feel Better about giving Money someone who needs it, because if you swindle enough people, that's where you'll end up anyway.