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Get the latest news about Real Sporting de Gijón, watch the videos, check the events calendar, classification and see the results as they happen. See the player statistics, find out who the top goalscorer is for Real Sporting de Gijón and compare all the stats. Don’t miss anything from our social media with the only official application of Real Sporting de Gijón.
Consult the stadium access map and club history. Access the best multimedia content and get push notifications on the latest news from Real Sporting de Gijón.
Get alerts about the goals, news, match times and statistics of your favourite players. Experience all the emotion of LaLiga Smartbank and Copa del Rey, from your smartphone and completely free.
News: follow the latest news from Real Sporting de Gijón, all the new developments, the latest signings, match results and stay up to date with the official statements from the club and the League. Stay in touch with the reactions of the protagonists of the day’s matches, interviews and assessments of the games.
Multimedia content: See the videos of your favourite team. See all the goals and highlights of the matches with the best multimedia content prepared specially for you. Access summaries with all the details: goals, skills, saves and the best moves by Real Sporting de Gijón in the 2019 - 2020 season and from previous seasons. Relive the legendary moves and recall the best goals by your favourite players.
Calendar, live results and classification: Check all the key dates and timetables on the official calendar for all competitions for Real Sporting de Gijón: LaLiga Smartbank and Copa del Rey. Get the live results from every game on match day, with the league table fully updated at all times. Stay in touch every second with what is happening in every game with live updating information.
Averages and details of all games as they happen. See who is dominating possession at all times and get easy access to every detail of the match.
Player statistics: access the statistics of all the players and compare them all. The statistics monitor offers precise details about goals, games, minutes played, yellow and red cards, assists, shots, dribbling, fouls, passes, centres, tackles and much more for all the club’s players.
Push notifications: Don’t miss a single detail thanks to fully configurable push notifications. Get live updates on all the content that interests you.
Information about the El Molinón - Enrique Castro Quini: get a stadium access map and check all related information. Take a guided tour of the El Molinón - Enrique Castro Quini, check timetables and transport.
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