Having just finished the game, I definitely enjoyed it! The setting where beautiful, the puzzles where awesome(I'm a huge fan of the grappling challenges, swinging around was a ton of fun), the combat was tense, and the boss fight was epic. I don't have a ton of time to play games on my phone, so this game was a nice length for me; I think it took me about 2 1/2 hours to finish the game, but I can definitely see myself playing it through again sometime in the future. In that sense, I think the price is right for what is contained in this game...I would definitely buy a sequel, if these guys ever put one out. This game is also, I must mention, very original for an fps. I also love the indie feel of it; it's obviously low budget, and made by a very small team, but that, at least for me, gave the game this very personal feel. In my opinion, it added to the game rather than subtracting from it. With those things in mind, I do have some criticisms of the game. The game is short, and I could see even another half hour adding quite a bit to the game. In addition, it would be awesome if there was some sort of incentive to play the game again; abilities you level up, a harder difficulty(though the game is already really difficult), or something like that. I also thought the spells where awesome, but not implemented as fully as they could have been. I would have loved some much bigger battles where you where forced to utilize the spells to survive. Also, there where one or two times where you seemed to reach a climactic moment in the story. At moments like those, I wish there was a more noticeable change going forward. For instance, you find this item toward the end of your quest, but after you collect it nothing really changes. In addition, I would have liked a more flashy death for the boss. He is the culmination of the game, and while the fight was intense and challenging, I feel like the postmortem effects could have been more spectacular. Anyway, that being said, I do love this game, and I encourage you to drop your money on it, as you won't regret it. So kudos to you, devs, and thank you for an excellent adventure.