Yet some more bugfixes for the large 2.5x update
Lot of bug fixes and some new features.
* Added possibility to write private notes on players
* Added possibility to edit your own profile text
* Added best Tetpuz score in profile
* Improved looks of Individual Statistics
* Create new player / Login player is now 2 different dialogs
* Gift icon is now visible on a fight
* Texts in buttons now always fit
* Added button for quick start of fight against chat players
* Chat times are now updated every second
* Added a few more special message types
* Menu option to disable the current theme
* Added decorations to the Green Theme (shows up after a while)
* Added three new gifts: Balloons, Sadness and a secret (hidden) one
* Improved looks of the existing gifts
* Fireworks-gift now works again
* Added shadows to the tiles :)
* Added some more search options in search dialog
* Added Random Theme as possible fight theme
* Added arrows at age selector to make selections easier
* Translations are now correct for dutch too
* Highscore names are now clickable
* Fixed bug that sometimes didn't save highscore
And lots more, including that background music now can be played while having RummyFight running
This is a rather large rewrite to make the code more up-to-date.
* Rewrote the app to use Cocos2D 3.5 for better compatibility
* Removed the splashscreens
* Background music is no longer silenced when RF is started
* Improved translations
* Adjusted hyphens for many buttons
* Ticker texts have gotten a makeover
* Changed some scene transitions from left to right and vice versa
* iOS devices are no longer called iPhones in text
* Changed code for registering push notifications to comply to iOS 13 and above
* Replaced all calls to UIWebView with WKWebView
* Increased a constant allowing more than 128 running fights now
* Improved the animation showing there's a new fight to accept
* Added a "Logout Player" in the MENU
* Clock is now transparent
* Dialog "Are you sure" when pressing New Game
* Improved brick colors
* Added some new sounds
* The bomb is now animated a little when placed
* Tiles are now a bit transparent when moved
* Fixed bug in score calculations. Now speedy play really matters
* Bombs and tiles now have different density, elasticity etc
* Added the spinning vortex when a bomb is blown.
* Dialog windows are now no longer too large for some devices
* Fixed bug that sometimes didn't cache theme pics
* Added the statusbar when using iPad
* Default behavior when using iPad is now DynamicZoom=off
* Removed seconds from all times in the Lobby
Bugfixes mostly:
* After a fight was ended and you clicked on reinvite, you had to restart the app to get it to be responsive again
* All dialogs are now as large as they can be. This means you no longer need a magnifying glass to read the chat if you are using an iPad.
* Now the Fight Clock can be turned off in SETTINGS
* Completely rewritten code taking care of how much a dialog should move up on the screen when the virtual keyboard is shown. Now it should work A LOT better and not hide the important fields anymore
* Buttons in the Lobby weren't grayed out when not logged in
* The chat icon in a fight was placed at different positions on the screen depening on what device your were using
* The piechart in the SETTINGS/CLEAR CACHE now finally works as it should. Never really worked before ;-)
* Selecting players in the SEARCH PLAYERS DIALOG looked ugly.
* Now the app deletes all cached files when a new version is installed and started for the first time. There were some problems in v1.60 when it reused theme files downloaded in much lower resolution for the old app. Better this way.
Finally RummyFight can be played on iOS 11 (and earlier)
Huge amounts of code has been rewritten during almost 1.5 years of work and there are A LOT of bug fixes and new features in this version too.
So... welcome back!
* Localization support for English, Swedish, Dutch and German
* Improved tutorial with new slides and texts
* Added a bomb in the Tetpuz game
* Improved Tetpuz graphics
* Improved error handling when trying to display broken theme- and profile pics
* Improved cache handling of theme- and profile pictures
* Added a clock showing local time in the Lobby
* Bugfix that sometimes caused a crash when leaving a fight
* Bugfix that showed the wrong time at newly created fights
* Bugfix that didn't show the matchtext in invites
* Bugfix in the Clear Cache dialog that showed the wrong space used
* Bugfix in lobby where sometimes the player in turn wasn't boldtexted
* Added support for different tilesets. This will in the future be used for user designed tiles but at the moment only we can switch between different appearences of the tiles.
* Added a tile counter inside the fights showing the number of tiles on the rack
* Added a Clear cache button in Settings to be used by those with limited space on their devices
* Tetpuz now stores the game after every move, meaning you can leave a game and continue later. This also means that if your device or app dies, you won’t lose your game.
* Added possibility to search for players based on blocking
* New gift in fights: CleanUp! To be sent to those incapable of placing tiles at the preferred locations
* Added support for Draw in fights which means that if all active players make 2 pass in a row, the fight is finished and all active players receive 0 points as prize.
* Added two new seasonal jokersets to be activated by us at holidays
* You are no longer allowed to finish a fight before having made your initial meld so all hoarders will cry now since they MUST open first and THEN finish. Exception: You ARE allowed to finish before making your first meld if it happens within the first 10 rounds.
* Added an information text at the bottom of the Settings
* Now disabling the Accept button in the Invite dialog when it’s pushed to prevent double push
* Active fights where you are excluded are now sorted in the column to the right in the Lobby
* Rewrote the redraw routine in the Lobby which means significantly faster updates (not refresh)
* When sorting tiles in a fight, only one click sound is played instead of 15 at the same time
* When exiting the app and quickly starting it again, the lobby is not refreshed anymore.
* When manually refreshing the Lobby by clicking the R in the logo, the titles in the lists are removed too.
* Long country names no longer continues outside the dropdown box
* If the very last thing happening in a fight was sending a gift, a DoubleTapFastForward didn’t show the endgame dialog
* Fixed bug with notifications not working
* Fixed bug with 2 jokers next to one another in the same group sometimes being illegal
* Fixed bug in Lobby that all opponent's names sometimes wasn't properly updated when a fight went from waiting to active
* Changed the color of the Toast Messages to pure gray scale instead of blueish tint
* Moved the playing field up by 2 pixels to provide better visuals
* Added new bitmaps for buttons since the existing one missed a highlight