I love this incredible app! It was developed by Hesperian Health Guides, the folks that develop and publish “Where There Is No Doctor”. Their focus is helping poor people around the world take control of their own health. Their Safe Pregnancy app, like all their material, uses simple language without “medicalese”, is beautifully illustrated and medically accurate.
The app concisely offers excellent advice on preventative care, pre-natal monitoring and support, as well as detailed, potentially lifesaving information on how to respond to danger signs during pregnancy and birth. Unlike most medical texts, which make the assumption that you already know the specifics (often rendering their information useless), this app offers step-by-step instructions on how to carry out each procedure with medications and technology available in developing countries. Their instructions could easily be followed by village healthworkers and midwives.
I highly recommend this app to anyone, such as students, NGO workers, Peace Corp volunteers, and missionaries, who work in areas where women do not have ready access to medical care. You literally could save a life.