This application was written and developed by Australian Speech Pathologist, Alana Noakes, to fill a gap within the iPad application market for comprehensive and research-based early language development applications.
This application supports cause and effect development and vocabulary development.
When modelling language for young children, it is important to use a range of different types of vocabulary words. Often the first vocabulary words used are a range of nouns. Remember that your child also needs words for actions (verbs), locations (prepositions), and descriptions (adjectives/adverbs) so that he/she can learn to combine these to form phrases.
Children typically begin to produce phrases when their vocabularies are close to 50 words, but only if their vocabularies consist of a range of verbs, nouns etc.
It is suggested that the following vocabulary words can be modelled while using this fun application with your child;
Nouns: flower, ball, bird, butterfly, fruit, dog, grapes, orange, lemon, peach, cherries, pear, owl, leaf, grass, cloud, sky.
Requesting words: please, more, again, help.
Verbs/action words: go, fly, grow, fall, bounce, roll, bark, jump.
Early pronouns: mine, me, you, my turn, your turn.
Prepositions/location words: off, on, up, down, here, there.
Negation/Protest: no, gone, all gone, finish.
Descriptive words: colours, big, small, fast, slow, pretty.
Social words: hi, bye.
This application is suitable for for range of children including;
-Children with age-appropriate development, aged 6 months-3 years old.
-Children with language delays (with or without a disability), aged 1-5 years old.