So with most ad revenue games you can turn off it’s cell data and then turn off your wifi when you are playing the game and presto, no ads! This may disable some functions or cheats in the games that require you to watch ads, but if you’re fine with that then no ads, or you can always turn on your wifi, get whatever perk you are getting for watching the ad, then turn it back off and you’re back to no ads after every round of play. This app, however will not let you play, like at all, if you are not connected to wifi or allow this app to use your cellular data. A pop up window will pop up every second alerting you to the fact that this app doesn’t have access to data transmission so it can serve you ads after every round (rounds usually take 5-10 seconds and ads are at least 30 seconds long. Forget this noise, there is no way that this app is fun enough to excuse that much ad time to play ratio. I suggest everyone delete this app, unless you really dig watching ads, in which case this is the app for you!