I, like many, joined the Shop My Porch community on Facebook during the pandemic. I loved having a local community of creatives to interact with, shop from only businesses in my area, and sell directly to people in my community. The page admin said she had created the page to help foster community and give us an alternative to Etsy because Etsy was unfavorable to sellers. It all seemed great at first. And then the page creator started becoming very passive aggressive and created a very hostile vibe. After the audience on Facebook grew, the page creator made this app. In order to continue to post and use the group, we were all forced to download this app. If your cross post on Facebook has people asking for more information or to message you, the mods turn off your comments in order to force you to communicate through this app. Now that doesn’t seem like fostering community or supporting small businesses does it? No its forcing people to funnel into your app to pay you a transaction fee. The app itself is confusing, not intuitive or user friendly. In fact, it makes very little sense. There is no easy, straightforward way to message people which is incredibly important. Overall, the shop my porch experience has left a bad taste in my mouth and I will no longer be using any of the affiliated pages or apps.