I was searching for an app that has sight words super-imposed on images for my daughter, who has mild dyslexia. I don't think this will quite do it for two reasons:
1. The picture image doesn't stay on the screen long enough for her to capture it in her "mind's eye."
2. There's no story association between the pictures on the cards and the word. Some of them I can pick-up, but back to problem 1, they're not on the screen long enough to make something up.
I think this app would be great if those two things were fixed. For example, the word "he" is a castle. If on the picture word the app said, "HE lives in a castle. HE," with the option of staying on the picture page for a while would really help the word "stick."
The three apps in the series only covers about 45 K level words, for the cost all 45 words could be in the first app, and then maybe apps 2 and 3 could be 1st and 2nd grade sight words.