And I don't mean the puns, although those were wonderfully terrible.
Generally, this game does a pretty good job of making fun of people in a way that works, activism and pride and high culture are all mocked in ways that are funny. It feels like the creator(s) know enough about the topics to make fun of them.
With one notable exception, and that is They and the pronoun gags, which just seemed based on a complete lack of knowledge of or experience with trans people other than through the internet strawmen. There are bits of the joke that do well, the hippie switching from "man" to "woman" when you tell him your identity, that works. But when you get into the dialogue with They it's clear that the writer of this bit and these jokes just doesn't understand how nonbinary people act or believe, and rather than pointing at the group of people and laughing, he's pointing to his own lack of knowledge, and it's just...really boring. Using singular they/them isn't complicated, we do it all the time, it's in the friggin Bible and Shakespeare. Also, you had a robot character and a nonBINARY character and you hardly made any binary jokes?? For shame. Missed opportunity. I ship They and the robot for the sequel.
Aside from that, every other aspect of this game can be summed up as ranging from passable (the UI, mechanics and humor) to really good (the voice acting, story progression, character motivations, and incorporation of modernity). I'll be interested to see where the dev(s) go from here.