I love this game because I can play with my friends. But the thing is you need to add features like very slippery (The rain drop looking things fall more frequently, harder, bigger, and faster.) And huge ball (A little bit bigger than the beach ball, which falls harder, faster and Able to crush your team, which your teammates respawn after 5 seconds.) Online/local WiFi or Bluetooth with iOS 8 and above. And
Power ups (For example, if the opposing team has 4 on the "first to five wins" gamemode, a power up will appear above your teams heads, so if your team gets it (they apparently have to) they will score instantly so the ball won't let the opposing team hit the ball. So it will fly in the air and once you hit the ballot will basically become an aimbot torwards the goal.) and other power ups like that. (All power ups are available in "endless" mode. Thanks if you add them! Have a million great days. Bye!