Designed to be enjoyed by Students & Alumni.
The university experience encompasses 3 to 6 years of continual experiences and challenges that put us to the test and make us see the world with different eyes. It shapes our personality and memory, whether with friendships, relationships, or opportunities, but “always” limited to our university campus.
At SocialUniversity we want friendships, relationships, or opportunities to have no limits. Where you can socialize with Students & Alumni who share the same interests as you worldwide. Communicate privately, travel and socialize with new Students & Alumni, share questions or answers related to the academic environment, and create and enjoy unforgettable relationships. Stay connected to the academic environment in an interesting and fun way.
Let’s discover, learn and build together!
Proudly SocialUniversity by students who believe in their dreams.
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This is our first version, we are improving our loading speed. Using a lot SocialUniversity can dramatically reduce battery life ...