I would give this game five stars, except for the type of ads that can pop up. If you are thinking of letting your child play this game, be aware of the ads!
Most of the ads are for merge games or other sorting games. Those are usually innocent enough. The ones that concern me are ones called “Puzzles and Survival” as well as “Envoy”. Every time the Survival game pops up, I report it due to its sexual content and violence. I report it every single time and all that has happened is that I am shown it more and more often. Any basic college psych class will teach you that combining sex and violence is one of the most dangerous combinations out there. Envoy showcases very violent ads with characters that are designed to look quite evil and scary.
I would happily pay a few bucks to subscribe to this game but so far I can’t find any way to do so. It probably isn’t even an option.
So, while the game is great, the ads often are not. Definitely not kid-friendly nor friendly to anyone that wants women to be respected.