Improvements and bugfixes.
Improvements and bugfixes.
Various bugfixes and enhancements
* GPS NTRIP configuration now supports multiple, named, profiles for each machine.
* American Football now supports satellite map designer type
* American Football now supports alignment with other field designer type
* American Football now supports new designer type "A-B center". This will allow operator to mark the center of the two goals and get a field that is centered on those to marks.
* Lacrosse Youth field type now supported
* Satellite map designer can now show nearby field designs
* Soccer templates now synchronize across devices.
* Lacrosse: When changing field length, only adjust central area
* Lacrosse: Input fields to goal placement, removed wing area size input field
* Lacrosse: Added more options for limit lines and equipment lines
* Lacrosse: Added option for team area
* Lacrosse: Added option for sub area
* Could not change ethernet configuration until connected to ECU
* Occational crash in satellite map views.
* Previously, alignment issues for several field types have been resolved. This includes Ultimate Frisbee. In order for those changes to take effect, it is necessary to create new field designs or edit the existing. An edit does not need to change anything, just press-edit-then-save.
Major new
* Support for Imperial measures, yards or feet based.
* Added Rounders field type
* Added Flag Football field type
* Support for latest iOS
* Added Americal Football High School variant
* Added Soccer / Football template designer
* Added Parking field type
* Added Ultimate Frisbee, US variant
* Some lines to be optional in American Football and Lacrosse. (limit lines, team area, horizontal hash marks, vertical hash marks)
* Lacrosse goal distance and wing area size adjustments to be more independent
* Added Rugby League field type
* Added optional field width and length lock in sat map editor
* Settings are now split into local, machine dependent and global
* Settings are now synchronized across iPads and automatically backed up.
* Chauffeur now called Operator
* Default settings changed: wired ethernet and joystick to YES
* Added overlays for supervising memory and CPU usage
* Lacrosse goal line too long
* Womens Lacrosse goal line does not paint all the way
* Soccer buildout lines missing for counter-clockwise fields
* American Football to use inside/outside lines measures instead of mid of line
* Lacrosse to use inside/outside lines measures instead of mid of line
* Ultimate Frisbee to use inside/outside lines measures instead of mid of line
* American Football side line hash marks not always 4 inches from side line
* American Football field jumps when edited in sat map mode.
* Crash in very special cases in soccer designer
* Various crashes during lining
* Error during lining of Womens Lacrosse
* Aligned designer does not show field until changed
* Rotation does not alway work in aligned designer
* Rare synchronization issue
* Support for automatic nozzle control
* Various bug fixes and features
NEW in version 1.1
* Athletics 400 m running tracks.
* Design Rugby field using four corners.
* In Rugby design, add choice of more or less dashed lines.
* Retrieve 10 minutes logs from ECU.
* Configure some parameters per field instead of per app installation.
* Add parameter to adjust offset when painting corner arcs.
* Edit of more field parameters after creating, e.g. the A and B points in a A-B design.
BUGFIXES in version 1.1
* iPad freezes when activating adjustment of steering parameters.
* Wrong placement of markers on screen during design of Rugby fields.
* Archiving a Rugby field does not mark is as archived
BUGFIXES in version 1.1.1
* GPS configuration could lead to failing synchronization with server
* Athletics 400 m running tracks.
* Design Rugby field using four corners.
* In Rugby design, add choice of more or less dashed lines.
* Retrieve 10 minutes logs from ECU.
* Configure some parameters per field instead of per app installation.
* Add parameter to adjust offset when painting corner arcs.
* Edit of more field parameters after creating, e.g. the A and B points in a A-B design.
* iPad freezes when activating adjustment of steering parameters.
* Wrong placement of markers on screen during design of Rugby fields.
* Archiving a Rugby field does not mark is as archived