50 questions in this fun game test user knowledge of the United States capital cities.
Great game to play individually to learn & test knowledge of state capitals.
Great game to play in classroom with option for students to sign in and go for the high score. Using Google Plus account, challenge friends on leaderboard and achievements. Google Plus sign in is optional, but it's the only way to challenge others. Be first in your class to answer all 50 questions correctly. Submit your scores to Google +; continue to play State Capital Quiz to unlock achievements and set high score. This game has 18 possible achievements, 4 of which are secret.
The Study Room in this game has flip flash cards with help with memorization of state capital cities as well flags of the 50 United States.
Please share this game with your school faculty and staff.
This version is ad supported. We also have an ad free version available for a small fee.
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