STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe Cheats

STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe Hack 4.14.0 + Redeem Codes

Pokonajmy razem koronawirusa!

Developer: Ministerstwo Cyfryzacji
Category: Medical
Price: Free
Version: 4.14.0


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The official Polish application notifying of exposure to the coronavirus, designed in cooperation with the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. The application is intended for use in Poland.

STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe is a smartphone application that supports the fight against coronavirus.

How does it work? Thanks to STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe, the phone will remember who you have met. Importantly, it doesn't share this information with anyone. Instead, it will inform you about contact with an infected person and tell you what to do in such a situation. This gives you chance for faster reaction and help.

Download, install and use the STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe application. Encourage your family and friends to do so too. It’s in your hands.

The application is safe and anonymous. STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe cares about the security of your data and privacy. It doesn't collect any data. It doesn't share any information about you anywhere. It doesn't track your location; can't access any files or information you keep on your phone.

- the receipt of a notification doesn't constitute an obligation to undergo home quarantine,
- the receipt of a notification doesn't mean that you are sick or that your loved ones are sick,
- no one will find out that you have had contact with an infected person (you won't know which person among the ones you have had contact with got sick either, and the infected person doesn't know to whom their notification is being sent),
- you won't receive such notification if the contact with the sick person was short, accidental - it lasted less than 15 minutes and the distance between your devices was greater than 2 meters,
- the application doesn't inform you that you are in contact with a sick person at the given moment! You will not be notified that the person standing next to you has coronavirus. Notifications are sent after the given user has obtained a positive test result - in such a case the person is sent to quarantine, so shall not be standing next to you in the queue.

STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe not only notifies you of possible contact with the coronavirus but also gives you the opportunity to complete disease risk assessment tests and keep a health diary.

The Risk Assessment Test is a simple survey created by doctors. After you complete the test, the system checks (based on the guidelines of the World Health Organization and the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate) to which risk group you shall be assigned by your answers. You will also receive a behaviour recommendation. It will tell you what to do next and where to seek help if needed.

STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe also allows you to keep a health diary, i.e. regularly record information about how you feel and what health condition you are in.

Thanks to this, you can react in the event of alarming symptoms.

The health diary is also - if necessary - a helpful tool for doctors. It makes it easier to provide medical staff with information about the development of symptoms, coexisting diseases or medicines you take. Thanks to this, you will gain a chance for a faster diagnosis and choosing the right treatment regimen.

Keeping a health diary is very simple and doesn't take long.

In STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe you will also find reliable, official and up-to-date information on the current situation related to the coronavirus pandemic. You will learn how to take precautions and what to do in case of suspected infection in yourself or your loved ones.

Published information includes announcements confirmed by the Ministry of Health or the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate. It is also based on data from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO).

Where can you find more information?

Technical support [email protected]

Let's defeat the coronavirus together!

Version history

Application shutdown
- Added support for deep links directly to the STOP COVID ProteGO Safe application
- Users can now receive their PIN codes via text messages, the sending of which can be initiated in the app itself
- Visual changes to the home screen in case of contact with a person with COVID-19
- Added information about the need to remain in quarantine after signing up for a COVID-19 laboratory test
- Implementation of an automatic change of the Risk Assessment Test status to Low Risk 10 days after the last completion,
- Improved transparency of the displayed data on COVID-19 and vaccination statistics,
- Corrected error that occurred in rare cases when entering the PIN code,
- Changes to the content of messages that are displayed when the PIN code is incorrect.
- Changes in pathway to sign up for a medical test for COVID-19,
- Fixed bugs in detailed COVID-19 and vaccination statistics.
- Enhanced view of the app home screen, which now includes more detailed statistics on vaccination and infections,
- Modified pathway to sign up for a medical test for COVID-19, which will make the whole process easier and more accessible,
- New screen with detailed statistics and graphs on vaccination (number of people vaccinated, doses, adverse reactions) and infections (number of people infected, recovered, deaths, causes of death and tests),
- Information on vaccination and registration rules with redirection to registration, vaccination request and helpline,
- Some infection risk messages on the dashboard revised
- Added vaccination statistics for Poland
- Corrected error of double notification entry in notification history
- Updated tab "How does the application work?"
- Corrected minor application errors
- New design of the main screen: Shortcuts have been added to make it easier to send the PIN and complete the risk assessment test, the design of the main screen has been refreshed,
- Information on COVID-19 statistics in Poland,
- Information about the checks carried out by the application on meetings with people who reported to have got sick with COVID-19,
- History of application activity (information about performed checks, indicated threats, system notifications),
- Possibility of redirecting to a specific application screen by system notification,
- Possibility to evaluate applications in the Apple App Store,
- New translations of the application into Russian, German and Turkish.
- Interaction with other applications used in the European Union. The application analyses contacts with people from other countries who have been in Poland or with whom we may have met while travelling abroad. We also have the opportunity to inform users from abroad if we have been tested positive for COVID-19.
- Possibility to enter the result of the laboratory test after being signed up for it in the application.
- Redirection to chatbot which enables making comments and reporting bugs in the Polish language version.
- New functionality allowing to perform a COVID-19 laboratory test for people with COVID-19 symptoms after the application notified about a high risk of contact with a person tested positive for COVID-19.
- New instruction for the feature of following the zones on the screen with a list of poviats
- Updated Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy
- Updated subpage "How does the application work?"
- List of current colour zones for poviats.
- Possibility of monitoring selected poviats - notification in case of a change in the colour of the zone.
- Update of the screen that informs about the possibility to add a translation into a new language.
- Changes in navigation - easier access to key application functions
- Amendments to English and Ukrainian language versions
- Correction of minor errors
- Dodane tłumaczenia aplikacji w języku angielskim i ukraińskim
- Dodane podpowiedzi przy kategoriach wyboru w Teście Oceny Ryzyka
- Poprawione błędy aplikacji
- Poprawione nieprawidłowe wyświetlanie daty wpisów w Dzienniku Zdrowia
- Zmiana nazwy aplikacji
- Dostosowanie aplikacji do zmian wprowadzonych w bibliotece do Powiadomień o ekspozycji na COVID-19
- Możliwość edycji wpisów w dzienniku oraz ustawiania daty
- Poprawiony błąd związany z wpisywaniem znaków specjalnych w wyszukiwarce na ekranie FAQ
- Poprawione wyświetlanie treści aplikacji na małych ekranach
- zmiana numeru telefonu
- zmiana adres e-mail do zgłaszania błędu w aplikacji
- dodanie klauzuli prywatnosci do widoku `zaczynajmy`
- usunięcie informacji o kwarantannie domowej
- przekazywanie do PWA aktualnej wersji aplikacji (dostępne pod tabem "więcej")
- zaktualizowane certyfikaty dla pinning'u
- maskowanie ekranu podczas próby nagrania ekranu
- poprawki błędów z audytu bezpieczeństwa związane z ujawnianiem nadmiarowych danych w kodzie binarnym aplikacji
- ulepszenie mechanizmu wysyłania kluczy
- poprawki błędów
Nowość w aplikacji: działanie offline.
Ta wersja aplikacji może działać bez konieczności utrzymywania połączenia z internetem. Aktualizacja zapewnia jednocześnie zachowanie danych z poprzedniej wersji. Teraz aplikacja będzie dla Ciebie dostępna i będzie Cię chronić również w miejscach, które nie mają dostępu do internetu i powiadomi Cię o zagrożeniu w momencie w którym odzyskasz dostęp do sieci. Zadbaj o zdrowie swoje i swoich bliskich.
Nowość w aplikacji: powiadomienia o możliwym kontakcie z koronawirusem. Ta wersja aplikacji korzysta z narzędzi systemu do powiadamiania o możliwym kontakcie z koronawirusem. Pozwól, by aplikacja anonimowo rejestrowała spotkania z innymi urządzeniami. Dzięki temu, gdy użytkownik któregoś z nich zachoruje, otrzymasz odpowiednie powiadomienie. Zadbaj o zdrowie swoje i swoich bliskich.
Oddajemy w Twoje ręce aktualizację aplikacji ProteGO Safe, w której wprowadziliśmy poprawki do błędów
- dla usuwania danych zbieranych przez Bluetooth
- dla anonimizacji rotowania tymczasowych tokenów Bluetooth
- dla wyświetlania powiadomień wewnątrz aplikacji
- killka mniejszych dla interfejsu użytkownika

Dokładamy wszelkich starań, aby rozwiązywać wszystkie problemy, zapewnić stabilność aplikacji oraz prywatność danych zgodnie ze wszystkimi regulacjami.

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88 Ratings


Not working on iPhone 12 Pro / iOS 14.1
Developers — please swiftly release an update that will make ProteGO work on the newest iPhone. Currently what matters (exposure notifications) isn’t working.
Super na rok
To jest rozwiązanie na koronę - rok mogę używać później usune żeby Państwo się nie za śledzenie obywateli.. za duzo straciłem przez tego wirusa żeby teraz znowu mieć przerwę w pracy...
Aplikacja crashuje
Ja nie wiem kto te oceny tu dawał... aplikacja jest nie do użytku. Gdy klikam na powiadomienie, o nowych zachorowaniach, to otwiera się, widzę ekran podzielony na sekcje z jakimiś ikonkami, ale nic się do końca nie wyczytuje po czym aplikacja się wyłącza. Tak jest od roku, bez zmian...