StorkeCentral v2.5.2
- UpNext is back! Add friends to your UpNext list and easily check when their next classes are from the home page
- Fixed some dining hall bugs related to automatic meal selection
StorkeCentral v2.5.1
- Fixed dining halls!
- The next day's first meal will now be automatically shown when all meals for the current day are over
- You can now browse meals 2 days before and after the current day
- Fixed an interesting bug where a course with no lecture times would error out the schedule load page
StorkeCentral v2.5.0
- Huge backend improvements (x10 faster in some endpoints), app should seem a lot faster
- Some caching improvements
- Fixed many bugs with the friend/friend request system
- Added the option to delete friend requests
- Removed UpNext from Home Page (temporarily)
- Removed passtime information from Schedule Page (temporarily)
- Updated beta invite page to include all previously invited users
StorkeCentral v2.4.12
- Fixed Up Next caching bug
- Added current weather to headline widget on home page
- Schedule passtimes now automatically fetch every week
- Building list is now cached and updated every week
- Miscellaneous bug fixes
StorkeCentral v2.4.11
- Updated the Up Next view
- You can now select which friends you want to see if your Up Next
- Selected Up Next schedules are now cached for faster loading
- Fixed Waitz API loading error
- Updated library capacity ordering
StorkeCentral v2.4.10
- You can now easily see which of your friends are in class straight from the home page
- Added a schedule reminders setting to be notified at a set time before your upcoming classes (5, 10, or 15 minutes)
- Added registration passtime information to the schedule page
- You will now automatically receive notification before and when your passtime starts
- Added library capacity information to the home page
- A whole load of optimizations to lazy loading and caching, the app should feel a lot snappier and faster overall
StorkeCentral v2.4.9
- You now get 5 new invite codes every week
- Changed dining hall status to reflect whether its closed today or just closed now
- Fixed utf8 character encoding bug that made emojis and special characters show up glitchy
- Replaced intrusive alert dialogs with snackbars
- Added error snackbars everywhere
- Headline article and user schedule for current quarter now persisted for quick loading from cache
- Miscellaneous bug fixes