As the start host port for The Tall Ships Races 2018, Sunderland expects to welcome a fleet of Tall Ships that will travel from all corners of the globe to reach the city and share in the celebrations. The beautiful vessels are themselves centre stage at this breathtaking event, opening to allow free public access at set times on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of the event. Download our app to help you get the most out of this event.
Old Sunderland is little-known outside of the city of Sunderland, being away from the town centre. There are not many buildings of note today as many of the eighteenth and early nineteenth century buildings became slums and were later cleared or suffered at the hands of the intensive wartime bombing raids in this area. However the notable buildings that have survived are charming and impressive.
As the eighteenth century progressed the name ‘Sunderland’ increasingly replaced the more general term ‘Wearmouth’ which had been used for the whole area including the port. The Sunderland Riverside Heritage Trail app takes you around the historic sites of Sunderland, along its famous river, the Wear down to the iconic pier. Download our app to learn more and to walk the trail.